In Russia, by contrast, injecting heroin with dirty needles is the main source of infection.
Interpol says that South-East Asian heroin, processed in Turkey, supplies four-fifths of Europe's market.
And the main issue was that Castellano suspected the Gotti crew of engaging in heroin trafficking.
Teresa Wood, 63, of Furze Hill, Bodmin, was found guilty of conspiracy to supply heroin last year.
It is Europe's biggest source: police estimate that 80% of heroin taken in Europe originates in Afghanistan.
When Norway's police last month made their biggest-ever heroin haul, they arrested a couple of ex-guerrilla Kosovars.
According to London charity Thames Reach, super strength alcohol kills more homeless people than heroin or crack cocaine.
But Home Office officials say that events in Afghanistan have had a key role in boosting heroin supply.
The navy, says Bhagwat, seized not just large caches of arms but also heroin destined for West Asia.
Testing, Parcher argued, showed that Mcintosh died not from cocaine but from heroin.
The study, which marks the first Recovery Academy conference in the city, drew parallels between alcoholism and heroin addiction.
Indonesia is running needle exchanges and handing out methadone to heroin users, although only at a handful of clinics.
Britons were fretting about the decline in civility two decades ago, when muggers and heroin addicts roamed the streets.
Afghanistan is not a major source of heroin used in the United States.
Russia has been grappling for years with a huge heroin abuse problem, exacerbated by its proximity to drug-trafficking routes from Afghanistan.
On the other, it values the bulwark they present against neighbouring Iran and the squeeze they put on the heroin trade.
Dr Alexander was accused of prescribing lethal doses of methadone, the heroin substitute, to two inmates at Brixton Prison in 1994.
BBC: News | Health | Prison doctor struck off over inmates' deaths
Some blame Hollywood for the increase of young heroin addicts, citing use by actors including Christian Slater and Robert Downey Jr.
NACRO, a prison reform group, says that some switching from cannabis to heroin is going on, but the scale is unclear.
New York City was awash in heroin, street crime and gun violence.
Thousands of people have been weaned off heroin - more than half permanently - and it is now an internationally-respected rehabilitation programme.
Nicotine is the major reason inveterate smokers fail to quit: the craving for nicotine is as strong as that for heroin and cocaine.
The combined efforts of police, customs officers and informers lead to the seizure of perhaps 30% of the world's heroin and cocaine output.
In addition, Dr Kelley identified long-lasting changes in rats' brain chemistry - similar to those caused by extended use of morphine or heroin.
Nicotine is so powerfully addictive--more than heroin, cocaine or speed--that nine out of ten smokers who stop are at it again within a year.
The arrests stem from a 15-month investigation that included wiretaps on 15 telephones, physical surveillance and controlled purchases and seizures of cocaine and heroin.
Police in India's Punjab state say they have seized 26kg (57lbs) of heroin and arrested two men, including a Canada-based Indian, media reports say.
In America, for instance, tobacco kills proportionately more smokers than heroin kills its users, and alcohol kills more drinkers than cocaine kills its devotees.
And Mr Green had said that, "stopping harmful drugs like heroin and cocaine means we're helping keep communities safe and preventing criminals exploiting the UK".