Generations of British boys have been fed the story of Baden-Powell's heroism with their charred sausages.
Our response is saved from disgust by the extreme heroism of her suffering and endurance.
He reflected on their highest values, on the heroism displayed at the site of the tragedy.
The Democratic convention in Boston was one long hymn to Mr Kerry's heroism in that affair.
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Now, some may wonder: After all these years, why honor this heroism now?
He is a decorated war hero who earned two purple hearts for his heroism in Vietnam.
But make no mistake -- these soldiers define the meaning of bravery and heroism.
Success in this pursuit would lessen the need for epic heroism in the future.
In this age, sporting heroism counts for more than the martial prowess of old.
And of course the most recent decade has provided Americans with many more examples of selfless heroism.
These men and women remind us that heroism is found not only on the fields of battle.
His description of a wounded Manhattan intricately weaves tales of misery with equally emotional tales of heroism.
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And before the advent of mass media, military heroism lent instant fame in a far-flung country, says Chernow.
"And in the future, due to their heroism, they will probably be welcome to work anywhere, " he said.
But set against the difficulties and meannesses were heroism, kindness and a sisterly pleasure in other women's triumphs.
And so we salute you for your gracefulness and your quiet heroism and sometimes not so quiet heroism.
CAL's problems, Kupferschmied told Asiaweek, were caused mainly by an intransigent corporate culture rooted in military heroism and risk-taking.
Grace's heroism - she kept the boat steady as survivors scrambled to safety - made her a Victorian icon.
Our safety will always depend on the quiet heroism of ordinary Americans, like the ones that we recognize today.
The city's sense of window-washing heroism is likely as old as its skyscrapers.
Instead of being lauded for her heroism, she said, higher-ranking officers accused her of embellishing accounts of what happened.
They remind us that heroism does not require special training or physical strength.
Heroism and American grit, born out of Butte, Montana, where men were men.
Veterans of the battle attended a military parade in their honour, and President Vladimir Putin paid tribute to their heroism.
For a chapter on heroism I wanted to know what makes a person selflessly risk their life for their country.
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Shakespeare's play leaves no doubt that however we value heroism on the battlefield, it's no qualification for success in politics.
The stories of heroism include the young and old alike, heroism that reached across the ethnic, cultural and financial divide.
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At the same time some find heroism and resilience while communities, neighbors, and families mine reserves of love and compassion.
Perry's remarks were followed by video of the victims' grim-faced family members remembering their lives and expressing pride for their heroism.
Older fans love Chewbacca for his heroism, said Kathleen Saracen, the manager of Titan Games and Comics in Smyrna, Georgia.