They agreed to hold high-level talks on climate change and to ease business investment cooperation.
The aid is likely to be forthcoming, since the request comes after several months of high-level talks between Colombian and American officials.
And as a consequence, Minister Krishna led a delegation to Washington to follow up, and working with Secretary Clinton, conducted some very high-level talks.
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And, also that summer, during high-level talks between the White House and Republican leaders, Cantor and Ryan reportedly pressured Boehner to reject a potential deal with President Obama.
Command held their first high-level talks in nearly seven years.
At the moment it doesn't appear that formal negotiations have begun, but the two companies have apparently had high-level talks about their various options over the last few months.
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This year, Mottaki is back at Davos, and Barack Obama is in the White House after a campaign in which he said he was open to high-level talks with Iran.
The Labwani verdict comes a week after a ground-breaking meeting between Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at a summit in Egypt - the first time the two countries held such high-level talks since the death of Mr Hariri in 2005.
The deal comes just before the beginning of high-level economic talks between the United States and China in Washington this week.
Between 2009 and 2011, high-level secret talks took place between the PKK and the Turkish government in Oslo, Norway, but they collapsed after a clash between Turkish soldiers and the PKK in June 2011, in which 14 Turkish soldiers were killed.
What worries many people here is the prospect that the high-level political session of the talks, due to start late on Wednesday, will land ministers in an almost impossible situation.
In the afternoon, he held talks with a high-level Iranian delegation at the same place.
Oceans Day at Durban will draw high-level attention to ocean issues during the COP17 climate talks, highlighting the direct link between climate change, the health of the oceans, and human well-being, as well as the need for sufficient funding to support bold mitigation and adaptation measures that will minimize climate change impacts on coastal communities and ocean ecosystems and resources.
In January, a high-level Iraqi delegation is expected at UN headquarters in New York for talks with Secretary-General Kofi Annan on how to break the deadlock.