Meanwhile, the telephone network is usually in the hands of a state-owned (or formerly state-owned) monopoly that is reluctant to cannibalise corporate high-speed Internet access revenues by offering cheaper broadband.
ECONOMIST: High-speed Internet access
Jeffords' move could doom a major piece of House legislation, the Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act of 2001, which would allow the Bells to offer high-speed Internet access without first opening their markets to local competition.
CNN: Jeffords switch seen as no shock to tech policy
Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its interactive Digital TV service and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services.
ENGADGET: Videotron's 120Mbps broadband is Canada's fastest, now available in Quebec City
Ironically, it was concern by AOL that it would be shut out of high-speed, broadband internet services that led it to advocate "open-access" to cable systems - before it decided to buy Time Warner to assure its access to such services.
BBC: US, EU threat to AOL deal
Indeed, counting mobile broadband, more Americans already have access to high-speed Internet services than have complete plumbing.
FORBES: The FCC Scores a Hat Trick of Errors on Internet Regulation
In the second quarter, HomeFusion Broadband, a service that provides high-speed in-home Internet access, became available nationwide.
ENGADGET: Verizon issues Q2 earnings, touts $15.8 billion service revenues in Wireless
Compaq also announced its new Triple Play broadband Internet access program, which offers customers a choice of three high-speed Net access options: cable modem, DSL, and satellite.
CNN: Comdex highlights: Day one