Part of High Street was cut off by waist-deep water and roads in and out of the town were closed.
Fadi Salem, director of the Governance and Innovation Program at the Dubai School of Government, told the conference that Internet traffic was extremely high before being cut off and almost immediately resumed at historic levels when restored.
Even their long-sleeved, high-shouldered evening dresses are cut high at the ankle to show off the shoes.
And as a political matter, this bar cannot be too high, lest the government cut off lots of institutions from receiving its dollars, thereby significantly rolling back access for many, many students.
Ergo, if our universe is just a simulation, there should be a cut off in the spectrum of high energy particles, and low and behold, there is -- the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin or GZK cut off.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 10.13.12: is the Universe a simulation, cloning dinosaurs and singing mice
In February the Juba government cut off the oil in protest at high transit fees, depriving both countries of revenue they desperately need and helping to cause a global oil-price spike.
ECONOMIST: Independence has left South Sudan with much to do
Working alongside the volunteers, they were handed poles to break off blocks or head-high saws to cut through the ice.
Johnson says he tries to act as a mentor, or life coach, for his students, helping them handle the off-court stress of trying to cut high enough grades and test scores for an Ivy League college.
Interest in the conference was high enough that on the Monday before it began, registration was cut off.
The new player's video quality looks great, especially coming off a high def source, but the audio to the set was cut by between 25-35% on the passthrough, requiring jacking up the volume while watching television.
Under cross-examination at the High Court in Glasgow, Parker said that Ms Spence had the tip of her pinkie finger cut off along with her thumb.
The suspected offenders could be fined or have their Internet connection cut off for a year by a recently-set up state agency known as HADOPI (the High Authority for the Diffusion of Works and Protection of Internet Rights).
FORBES: France Sends 100,000 Warnings To Illegal Downloaders