Most are run by universities and use low-enriched uranium rather than highly enriched uranium.
But the fact that the company was handling highly enriched uranium was never widely publicized.
We learned that Ukraine completed the removal of highly enriched uranium from its territory.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference
Some are getting rid of their stocks of highly enriched uranium or plutonium, both used in bombs.
With regard to the latter, the bill actually would encumber highly enriched uranium production as well as plutonium.
Canada agreed to give up a significant quantity of highly enriched uranium.
WHITEHOUSE: Nuclear Security Summit: Presidential Press Conference
And by the way, the breach on the agreement was not through plutonium, the breach on the agreement is highly enriched uranium.
Belarus has agreed to eliminate all its stocks of highly enriched uranium by the time of the next nuclear security summit in 2012.
The HEU Agreements allow for the downblending of highly enriched uranium derived from nuclear weapons to low enriched uranium for peaceful commercial purposes.
The isotope, known as a medical tracer, is made outside the United States by a complicated process requiring highly enriched uranium from nuclear reactors.
Mr ElBaradei singled out for particular concern Iran's failure to declare that it was researching advanced centrifuge designs, known as P2, capable of producing highly enriched uranium.
The Republic of Korea, as host of the 2012 nuclear security summit, has agreed to invite Belarus, contingent upon the completion of its highly enriched uranium removal.
Supporters of this legislation have implied that our nuclear arsenal is unaffected by the current absence of U.S. production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium for weapons purposes.
One reason Mr Yanukovich got off lightly, perhaps, was his pledge to get rid of highly enriched uranium, given at a nuclear-security summit in Washington, DC, in April.
In one instance, Kazakhstan revealed the existence of a ton of highly enriched uranium and asked the United States to remove it, lest it fall into the wrong hands.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Condi Rice signals the jig is up for Saddam
The HEU Agreements provide for the conversion of approximately 500 metric tons of highly enriched uranium contained in Russian nuclear weapons into low-enriched uranium for use as fuel in commercial nuclear reactors.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order--Russian Highly Enriched Uranium
The cables also showed U.S. officials exploring ways to remove highly enriched uranium from a Pakistani nuclear site in a way that wouldn't spur a political backlash against Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari.
WSJ: Vast Leak of Cables by WikiLeaks Discloses Diplomatic Secrets
Current law is aimed at phasing out U.S. exports of highly enriched uranium (HEU) precisely to reduce the risk of the material being stolen or diverted by proliferating states for nuclear weapons production.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Kyl and Schumer move to monitor uranium exports
So, they essentially proposed building a new facility for uranium enrichment in Russia with Iranian management, Iranian financial participation, that would be devoted exclusively to producing highly enriched uranium nuclear fuel for the Iranians.
He appears to have believed that relinquishing Ukraine's stockpile of highly enriched uranium, which pleased America, and eschewing Russia's pressure to join its customs union would outweigh the arrest of the tarnished Ms Tymoshenko.
ECONOMIST: A country caught precariously between east and west
We recognize the achievements made through the Nuclear Security Summits, including the removal and elimination of nuclear materials, minimization of the civilian use of highly enriched uranium, and worldwide improvements in a nuclear security culture.
Notably, also on Wednesday, the US-based International Institute for Strategic Studies released a report concluding that Iran will have a sufficient quantity of highly enriched uranium to make an atomic bomb in a matter of months.
The device's primary source of neutron radiation was the radioactive element californium, but the stream of neutrons produced by the californium was multiplied by passing it through a lattice of highly enriched uranium U-235, whose nuclear fission released additional neutrons.
As reflected in Executive Order 13085, the full implementation of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation Concerning the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted from Nuclear Weapons, dated February 18, 1993, and related contracts and agreements (collectively, the "HEU Agreements") is essential to the attainment of this goal.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order--Russian Highly Enriched Uranium
Highly-enriched uranium is used in some 100 nuclear research reactors and other facilities in 40 countries.
The authority has also proposed moving other material called "exotics", which includes fuel containing highly-enriched uranium, from Dounreay to Sellafield at a later date.
BBC: Nuclear material moved by train from Scotland to England
The Harvard team suggests speeding up a project launched in 1994 to purchase 500 tonnes of highly-enriched uranium released from Russian weapons and blend it down over 20 years for use in civilian reactors.
ECONOMIST: New challenges for Americans, Europeans and Russians
Press reports over the New Year state that Brazil is set to manufacture highly-enriched uranium (HEU) for its two nuclear power plants, and according to Samuel Faiad of the government-run Nuclear Industries of Brazil, to sell any HEU surplus on the world market.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Next nuclear weapons problem: Brazil?
Mark Fitzpatrick argues that if Pyongyang has perfected the highly-enriched-uranium route to a bomb, then there will be heightened concern about the potential for the proliferation of these weapons or materials.
According to a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Kodak's uranium was highly enriched -- to a level approaching 93.4%.