One of the occasions on which it went to the expense of hiring a taxi was to take Mrs Williams, pregnant with Gareth, to hospital.
ECONOMIST: Gareth Williams
The adventurous take local buses, with all the challenge, chaos and colour they entail, but hiring a taxi for the day allows for more flexibility in stopping to enjoy the scenery and less strain on the nerves.
BBC: Apple harvest in the Himalayan foothills
Our vessel carried a total of 2, 000 fortunate souls, all of whom had the option of walking ashore, taking a ship-organised excursion, jumping in the nearest taxi or hiring a car for the day, which proved most advantageous on Maui and Kauai where the overnight stay encouraged us to be more adventurous.
BBC: Otherworldly Hawaii, for less
Dewani is accused of hiring a crew of hitmen to kill his wife, Anni Dewani, 28, during a taxi ride in Cape Town, South Africa, while they were on honeymoon in 2010.
CNN: UK court halts extradition of honeymoon killing suspect