So whether it is the unemployment rate in all of America, whether it's the unemployment rate in black America, Hispanic America, or whether it's the under-employment rate, the President believes the ideas that he outlined are targeted and responsible in addressing those problems.
This would generate a tremendous increase in confidence throughout Hispanic communities all across America.
It is not impossible to imagine that, in time, Texas's huge Hispanic population could turn America's second-largest state Democratic.
It is also eyeing the fast-growing Hispanic media-market in America, so may start challenging the dominance of Univision and Telemundo, the two biggest Spanish-language networks.
Even for Mexican-Americans, who make up nearly two-thirds of America's Hispanic population and seem particularly suspicious of Mr Romney, immigration reform may matter less than jobs or schools.
The worry that America is importing a new Hispanic underclass, as some claim, is also probably unfounded.
ECONOMIST: Among the very poor, the American Dream is alive and well
"We want to produce content for the Latino who was born in Latin America that lives here and the Hispanic who was born in the U.S., " said Hudson.
Why continue to ignore the Hispanic voice when they will represent 30% of America in only the next 20 years?
Roger Mahony is archbishop of America's largest, and very Hispanic, archdiocese, Los Angeles, and will soon be succeeded by a Latino.
ECONOMIST: Arizona's immigration law: Hysterical nativism | The
Bank of America has designated 2, 450 branches as Hispanic (which it defines as having a 10% or more Hispanic population within a 3-mile radius of the branch), while Citibank has more than 300 (it uses a 25% threshold).
Naturally there are specific Hispanic concerns, as there are for all ethnic groups in America (for example, how to deal with illegal immigrants).
The Hispanic community, now 50-million strong, has undoubtedly helped America to be a better and stronger nation.
WHITEHOUSE: Renewing the American Dream: Hispanics' Share of the American Dream | The White House
This year, Antonio Villaraigosa became mayor of Los Angeles, America's second-largest city, the first Hispanic to hold that job.
America is not wholly to blame for the state of the Hispanic family.
Mr. Swad may not be Hispanic, but he has demonstrated that culture is the new universal language in America.
FORBES: Capturing the Hispanic Market Will Require More Than A Total Market Strategy
Miami has anyway in recent years broadened its Hispanic links, becoming a base for journalists and businessmen from other parts of Latin America.
Some 80% of the 11.1m illegal immigrants in America as of last year are from Latin America, and 60% are from Mexico alone, according to the Pew Hispanic Centre.
Obama's visit is his first to Latin America since winning a second term, in part due to the overwhelming support he received from Hispanic American voters.
Backing VSP's request for a Supreme Court hearing are three national charities, all partners in Sight for Students--Prevent Blindness America, the National Association of School Nurses and the National Council of La Raza (a Hispanic anti-poverty group).
Samuel Rodriguez, head of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, describes the state of the Latino family as a more urgent problem than reform of America's dysfunctional immigration system.