Prince William studied geography and Middleton studied history of art before both graduated in 2005.
The FBI also searched the Worcester home of an ex-convict who has a history of art theft.
Prince William graduated with an honours degree in geography and Miss Middleton with an honours degree in history of art.
BBC: Royal couple: University visit 'feels like coming home'
Turner's (1835) is bright, but you can actually see the individual brush marks with which Turner changed the history of art.
The history of art is filled with visual hoaxes, such as Arcimboldo's 17th-century paintings of vegetables arranged to look like human faces.
WSJ: Too Clever by Half | More Real? | Minneapolis Institute of Arts | By Peter Plagens
"American Visions, " Mr. Hughes' history of art in North America from the 16th Century, was "a love letter to America, " he said.
"Provenance is the alternate history of art, " Ms. Reist explained.
At the time, he was studying history of art in Geneva whilst holding down two jobs - in a pub and a petrol station - "to support the car habit".
Lichtenstein is at this point interested in the history of art, and you can rarely tell whether these marvelous paintings and sculptures are parodies or homages, especially of or to Picasso.
WSJ: Review: Joining the Dots | 'Lichtenstein: A Retrospective' at London's Tate Modern
He sees this period as a turning point in the work of each artist and in the history of art, and he chronicles every day, sometimes every hour, of their life together.
Martin Kemp, Emeritus Research Professor in the History of Art at Oxford University and a leading expert on Leonardo da Vinci, gives the careful estimate that there are probably no more than 20 paintings by the master in the world, which suggests there could be five more to be discovered.
The idea of abstraction is so central to the history of modern art that it left its mark on the work of nonvisual artists as well.
WSJ: The Seductive Lure of Abstraction | Sightings by Terry Teachout
Mr. PAJAUD: It's the greatest drawing in the history of black art, as far as we're concerned.
Mr. FitzGerald teaches the history of modern art at Trinity College.
His expertise of Italian art was such that in 1957 he was awarded the Medal for Benemeriti della Cultura by the Italian president for services to criticism and history of Italian art.
Upstairs, Mr Cai has built a mini rollercoaster in a cavernous gallery, on whose ceiling is painted Mr Cai's history of Belgian art images from the city's famous Ghent altarpiece and iconic works by Magritte and Broodthaers.
And with that he was off to his home for a nap, before returning to the museum that evening to escort the secretary of state and the cream of New York society through the history of American art.
One of the most popular museums in the world, the Louvre has a long history of collecting art from the Islamic world, from putting on the first exhibition in Paris dedicated to Islamic art in 1893 to creating a dedicated Islamic art department in 2003.
Most great collectors are avid students of art history who buy art directly from dealers.
When is a perfectly authentic work of art by someone who changed art history worth a fraction of its real value?
FORBES: Lack Of Authenticating Expert Renders Valuable Artwork Practically Worthless
Very much a work of art rather than of history, this beautifully written novel edges towards saying something profound about the relationships between art and life, men and women, the powerful and the disempowered, without ever becoming a simplistic parable.
's the Teaching Company, which sells loads of prerecorded lectures on meaty topics, such as the history of the Vikings and The Art of Critical Decision Making, delivered by scholars from the snootiest of ivory towers.
Christopher Frayling - Rector and Professor of Cultural History at the Royal College of Art.
He'd tossed Jessica's survey of art history, his Norton Shakespeare, and somebody's copy of Derrida's The Gift of Death into the fire pit they had dug in their backyard.
In the early exhibitions there was no attempt to display paintings chronologically or even geographically, but with the growth of art history in Germany this gradually became more common, as did the idea of panoramic displays of the work of a single artist, which by 1900 had become a standard way of commemorating their anniversaries.
Wright Museum of African American History, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Pewabic Pottery and the Motown Museum.
The Berlin section, which has been directed by Terence Riley, chief curator of the department of architecture and design at MoMA, in collaboration with Barry Bergdoll, professor of art history at Columbia University, is rich in the pre-1920s houses later written out of Mies's official history of himself.
Each of the book's chapters is written by a locally based specialist (the authors include auctioneers, academics, consultants and dealers) who examines a country or region's art market history in terms of taste, fashion, value, art types, subjects, sales prices and records.
Ms. Cowling is professor emeritus of art history at the University of Edinburgh.