In Birmingham, police were treating a hit-and-run incident in which three men died as a murder inquiry.
CNN: Following four nights of frenzy, an eerie calm in Britain
The charity Crimestoppers has offered a reward for information on a fatal hit-and-run incident in West Yorkshire in which a six-year-old boy died.
BBC: Owen Wightman hit-and-run: Crimestoppers offer reward
Now, an Indian court has ruled that he should face the serious charge of culpable homicide for a hit-and-run incident in 2002.
BBC: The controversial Salman Khan
Martin Joel Erzinger, a billion dollar Morgan Stanley Smith Barney financial advisor, managed to dodge felony charges on a hit-and-run incident that left his victim with spinal cord injuries and bleeding from the brain.
FORBES: Wall Street Broker Escapes Felony Hit-And-Run Charge