Global mean temperature varied within a range of one degree Celsius during the Holocene.
The planetary-boundaries idea seeks to constrain the Anthropocene within the norms of the Holocene.
The planet's history contains many less stable and clement eras than the Holocene.
The project focused on the inter-disciplinary investigation of Holocene geological catastrophes, which are of importance for civilizations and ecosystems.
There are indeed reasons to believe some aspects of the Holocene were optimal.
During the Holocene, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been relatively stable, as reflected in the stability of the sea level.
That is, we are already a little above the Holocene maximum.
We get similar results in the work in the Holocene in 1998 (Jones et al) and so does Tom Crowley in a paper in 1999.
This work was part of an International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) project on the Role of Holocene Environmental Catastrophes in Human History ( IGCP project 490).
The institute's other criticism is the implicit assumption that because mankind came of age in the Holocene, therefore Holocene conditions are optimal for the species now.
We are perhaps already a few tenths of a degree above the Holocene maximum, and the system seems to be in the early stages of rapid change.
Within that framework, the decade 2000-2009 was one of the warmest since modern record-keeping began, but global mean temperatures didn't breach the levels of the early Holocene.
Many scientists feel that human interference in the way the Earth works is now so great that the Holocene is history and a truly separate Anthropocene has dawned.
It points out, though, that there is little evidence things like the behaviour of the nitrogen cycle or the phosphate cycle in the Holocene were particularly well-suited to humans.
While past reconstructions of the Holocene tend to provide a regional snapshot, Dr. Marcott's team collated data from 73 sites to build a more global picture from 11, 300 years ago.
It is hard to argue that anything above the Holocene maximum (of about 0.5 degrees above the pre-industrial temperature) can preserve a safe climate, and that we have already gone too far.
The period of human settlement over the past 10, 000 years is known as the Holocene, during which time temperatures and hence sea levels (the two having a close correspondence) have been remarkable stable.
One argument against the idea that a new human-dominated epoch has recently begun is that humans have been changing the planet for a long time already, indeed practically since the start of the Holocene.
Because the intensities of the 397 ka BP and present insolation minima are very similar, we conclude that under natural boundary conditions the present insolation minimum holds the potential to terminate the Holocene interglacial.
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But extending the Holocene depended on taking actions to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases decades in advance, in order to keep the carbon dioxide levels in the neighborhood of 350 parts per million.
The second is that the planetary-boundaries group derives most of its limits by looking at conditions during the Holocene the epoch since the end of the most recent ice age, in which human civilisations have grown up.
The results of the recent climate negotiations in Copenhagen and Cancun give no sign that policymakers are going to take real mitigative action anytime soon, so executives need to ask what a post-Holocene climate means for their businesses.
Since the beginning of the commercial revolution in the 14th century executives have built or lead their businesses in what scientists call the Holocene climatic epoch, a geologic time period that began at the end of the last ice age around 12, 000 years ago.