The next generation of 3-D will go beyond stereovision tricks and into the realm of holography.
However, according to Dr Trolinger, electronic holography for scientific purposes need not suffer from that limitation.
Since holography was invented in 1948, there have been two major developments in the field.
Holography's widest use has been those iridescent globes and birds ignored in the corner of credit cards.
That's far short of the 30 gigabits per second needed for holography, but data compression could circumvent the problem.
Paper: "Imaging live humans through smoke and flames using far-infrared digital holography, " M.
ENGADGET: Infrared holography lets rescuers see people through walls, fire, walls of fire (video)
Sharp's new finely grained silicon technology could ultimately produce transistors one-thousandth the size of current ones, well in range of holography.
Holography is a means of producing a 3-D image of an object.
ENGADGET: Infrared holography lets rescuers see people through walls, fire, walls of fire (video)
Holography and optical correlation are both inherently analogue processes that can degrade the clean 1s and 0s required in a digital system.
Infra-red holography could be more useful than the camera imagery currently used by firefighters searching for people trapped in burning buildings, researchers in Italy say.
In conventional holography, two beams of light interfere with one another.
In which case all that will be needed for mobile holography a decade from now will be public acceptance of swarms of miniature cameras everywhere so that multi-angle video images can be converted to holograms.
Holography has been around since the 1940s, but much of the theory and math behind holographic video was completed decades later at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by a team led by the late professor Stephen Benton.
Moreover, this rendition doesn't require viewers to look from certain angles or with certain lighting scenarios like many forms of holography oftentimes do, and the team hopes to eventually conjure a 3D image of a human "if they can substantially enlarge the device size" while keeping its current attributes in tact.
ENGADGET: NICT and Kobe University team up to form "floating visual" 3D display