They're helping people build wealth through tax deductions, things like the home mortgage interest deduction.
Nobody really wants to give up their tax breaks (home mortgage interest deduction, anyone?).
There are various ways that those bonds could be amortized--like a home mortgage--over a 40-year period.
Ms. AMY WALTZ(ph) (American Home Mortgage, Bethesda, Maryland): I was pretty openmouthed, stammering, flabbergasted.
The sacred home mortgage interest deduction is now officially bigger for folks with big loans.
Too bad reducing the primary home mortgage exemption would be an untimely candidate for base broadening.
FORBES: What's Needed In The Debt Ceiling Debate: Constructive Ambiguity
Interest rates are low, but it is hard to qualify for a home mortgage.
In large part, the broader economic crisis we've experienced began as a home mortgage crisis.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Business and Tourism Leaders
Is it investing in real estate, the home mortgage interest deduction or your 401(k)?
My backup is the home mortgage market activity as well as brokerage house earnings powered by cost-cutting.
The market needs to wrestle with this issue until the home mortgage debacle is finally accounted for.
And that's why I sounded the alarm on the home mortgage crisis well over a year ago...
Lawmakers could also cap others, such as the deduction for home mortgage interest, for the top 5 percent.
FORBES: Senate Budget's Bad Math: Axing Tax Breaks For Rich, Big Business Isn't Enough
No small part is played by the great bargain in home mortgage rates available anywhere in the country.
They can now borrow over 15 or 20 years, deducting the interest if the loan is a second-home mortgage.
The main problem is a narrowing spread between home mortgage rates the bank collects and deposit rates it pays.
Last week, American Home Mortgage Investment, the 10th-biggest home lender, filed for bankruptcy.
For example, another particularly controversial tax deduction that some legislators proposed eliminating is the home mortgage interest exemption.
As the home mortgage meltdown spreads, foreclosure auctions, like the one Chris Arnold took us to, are becoming big events.
Going back 20 years, the trendline rate for a home mortgage prints out near 7 percent, currently under 4 percent.
And this area has also been hit by the home mortgage crisis as hard as just about anywhere in America.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Business and Tourism Leaders
In its latest earning release, Wells Fargo reported a 2.5% decline in average outstanding balance on home mortgage loans in 2010.
In 2009 Wells Fargo acquired Wachovia and this caused the average outstanding balance on home mortgage loans to more than double.
Already, the takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has brought down prime home mortgage rates from 6.5% to below 6%.
But first, this nation's largest home mortgage lender, Countrywide Financial, late yesterday said it plans to layoff between 10 and 12, 000 workers.
American Home Mortgage joins more than 50 lenders in bankruptcy this year.
Our business news starts with even more trouble for home mortgage lenders.
This list should include credit card debt, student loans, home mortgage or equity loans, medical debt and any other outstanding debts you have.
Imagine a family trying to get their household budget under control that forgot to take into account the interest paid on their home mortgage.