His stepmother was home schooling him at the kitchen table when the planes hit.
With each passing year, the division between home schooling and institutional schooling will continue to dissolve.
The phenomenon of home schooling is a wonderful example of the American can-do attitude.
As our habits evolve, it won't be home schooling as we've known it, but it won't be brick-and-mortar schooling, either.
Favourable stories about home schooling are starting to creep into mainstream magazines.
Others would suggest home schooling or getting rid of tenure for public school teachers and tying teacher salary much more to the performance of schools.
At the same time, public opinion on home schooling has shifted.
Still, home schooling is not creating a generation of dullards.
While public K-12 schools are free and parents sometimes have a choice of where to send their child (including home schooling), education is one product families are required to consume.
Working either through the charter movement or the home schooling movement would enable a tablet textbook project to start small, yield immediate returns to participants, and scale easily, while largely ignoring the interests of incumbent institutions.
FORBES: Don't Expect Apple's Digital Textbook Innovation To Come From The Top Down
Christy has been home-schooling the sixth-grader after she had problems keeping up with assignments.
Fourteen states demand only that parents tell the authorities that they are home-schooling.
He invested the proceeds of his farm in a better home, schooling for his children and a more varied diet.
They would like to be able to choose a private school, a parochial school, a charter school, home-schooling for their children.
For parents who want their children to grow up relatively unexposed to doubt, Darwin or indecent lunchroom chatter, home-schooling offers hope.
Some educationalists worry that home-schooling may hurt children's psychological and educational development.
But there is a worrying group lurking in the home-schooling shadows.
In a 2007 survey by the Department of Education, 88% of home-schooling parents said that their local public schools were unsafe, drug-ridden or unwholesome in some way.
The three types of sports are directly linked with the lifestyles and living conditions of the Mongols and their transmission is traditionally undertaken through home-schooling by family members, although formalized training regimens have recently developed for wrestling and archery.
Women spend more of their money on food, healthcare, home improvement, and schooling for their children and families than men do.
Both political parties are guilty of politically correct attitudes toward home ownership and education, so taxpayers enjoy all manner of deductions when it comes to schooling and interest paid on home mortgages.
Colonel Denton with the Indiana Guard is among those who were studying that -pay and bonuses, better health benefits, professional schooling, more time at home.
"The results here suggest that as a result of attaining more education, parents with higher levels of schooling provide a better childhood experience and home environment and consequently their children do better in school, " said Prof Gregg.
BBC: Raising leaving age in 1970s 'improved children's GCSEs'
It states that "all decisions regarding school closures or sending children home early should be considered in light of the fact that every child is entitled to receive 190 days annual schooling".
At the turn of this millennium, world leaders met at the United Nations and made an historic pledge to end poverty, to treat curable diseases, to give all children the schooling, food and future they deserve, to empower women and to protect the planet, our only home.