• Labour peer Lord Morris, honorary president of the Haemophilia Society, asked how many people may have been affected and what services had been offered to patients.

    BBC: Haemophiliacs face vCJD scare

  • He was previously Head of the Department of Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London between 1999 and 2001, and has also served as Honorary Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers) (1995-1997).

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair

  • Tim Mickleburgh, honorary vice president of the National Piers Society, said he was optimistic that somebody would buy it.

    BBC: North East Lincolnshire landmark to be auctioned off

  • Dr Paul Watkins, honorary secretary of the British Orthopaedic Research Society, said scientists were working on other tissue engineering techniques to replace damaged cartilage tissue.

    BBC: Fat could 'repair injuries'

  • Mr Pirie-Gordon had been treasurer and honorary vice-president of the Royal Geographical Society, which helps fund polar exploration, and was also treasurer of the QNI.

    BBC: Philip Goodeve-Docker dies during Greenland ice trek

  • Mr Goodeve-Docker had dedicated the trip to his "nutty adventurer grandfather", Patrick Pirie-Gordon, who had been treasurer and honorary vice-president of the Royal Geographical Society, which helps fund polar exploration.

    BBC: Philip Goodeve-Docker,

  • But Alan Maryon-Davis, honorary Professor of Public Health at King's College London suggests that Italy is a more cohesive and less divided society than ours.

    BBC: Why do the Italians live longer than us?

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