' And it's become a hot issue in the run-up to this month's parliamentary elections.
They also feared opposition in Washington, DC, where media consolidation is a hot issue.
The ratio of the chief executive's pay to that of his employees is becoming a hot issue.
Against all the pundits' prognostications, national defense has suddenly become a hot issue in the 2000 presidential election.
Termination rights will continue to be a hot issue in the coming years.
That was a 90% loss for those fooled into thinking this was a hot issue that they had to own.
Travel to Cuba is the latest hot issue in the debate about America's trade embargo, in place now for more than four decades.
Now the German government has put another hot issue on the table by calling for the removal of all US nuclear weapons from German soil.
Immigration is another hot issue in many races nationwide, although not one that cuts cleanly down party lines with candidates from both sides adopting tough stances.
If, as seems likely, the Global Security Risk Monitor becomes an emerging hot issue as Nell Minow predicts, at a minimum it'll embarrass some major U.S. companies.
And so, if a counter IED is countering improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan and Iraq becomes the hot issue, I'm not saying that we shouldn't solve the problem.
On another hot issue, the incident last week which saw Facebook revealed as having tried to plant negative stories about Google, Mr Schmidt refused to be drawn.
The McKinsey Quarterly recently polled 4, 000 executives in 116 countries as part of a regular survey, asking them for their thoughts on the hot issue of corporate social responsibility.
ECONOMIST: A look at noteworthy articles from business journals
Clinton answered challenges from her Democratic rivals for her views on Iraq, Iran, free trade, illegal immigrants and Social Security, which is emerging as a hot issue among both Democrats and Republicans.
But while Mr Jaitley was fending off the US, in the UK the issue of both outsourcing and of fast-tracked incoming staff - a hot issue among some local IT workers - was returning to the fore.
Compensation is an increasingly hot issue in the talks, with small nations demanding the inclusion in any 2015 agreement of a "loss and damage mechanism" whereby rich nations would pay them to rebuild from, say, extreme storms.
If all this had happened at a company in the US, where boards are more fastidious about the behaviour of executives and where investors are also pretty hot on punishing executives who cross a putative ethical line, this would already be a hot issue.
The Culture Committee is certainly an interesting place to serve, but spare a thought for the Transport Committee, where the departure of Paul Maynard and Julian Sturdy creates two vacancies at a time when the committee is pondering the red-hot issue of airport capacity in the south-east.
Democrats -- noting that a patients' bill of rights has been a hot issue in Congress for five years and that Republicans will be free to offer amendments during the debate -- contend that Republicans are trying to delay debate not because they need more time but because an alternative GOP measure, backed by the White House, does not have enough votes to pass.
Maxim's Summer Hot 100 issue includes a Pontiac spread featuring Transformers human star Megan Fox.
Immigration is a hot button issue anywhere in the world, including the United States.
FORBES: Will a 30% Plunge in Singapore's Real Estate Market Attract American Immigrants?
Of course, executive compensation has long been a hot button issue for corporate watchdogs.
Sharing the "social burden", as it is known, was a hot political issue in the last election.
Several states banned same sex marriage last year by ballot initiative and it's still a hot button issue.
The magazine's 17th annual Hot List Issue rounding up the best new hotels of 2013 hit newsstands on Tuesday.
So hot an issue has this become that it has even led to the murder of a judge by a Muslim extremist.
Its legacy of state control makes the current restructuring plan designed to slash the workforce by one-third, and staunch losses a red-hot political issue.