If you care about output per hour, make sure to divide by the hourly wage.
That and the paltry hourly wage she earned as a cashier at Dunkin Donuts.
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Although this decreased hourly wage rates, it supported old employees who have retired and minimized job loss, according to Hiltz.
The government can promise a higher wage rate, but if a worker loses her job, her income (hourly wage x hours worked) will be zero.
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Since September, as unemployment has jumped three percentage points, the average work week has shrunk (see chart 2) and hourly wage growth has slowed sharply to 3.1%.
Nineteen states have minimum wages that are above the current federal threshold, though "tipped employees, " such as restaurant workers, often receive an hourly wage that is lower.
Third and most important, the average hourly wage is held down by the great increase of women and immigrants into the workforce over the past three decades.
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Recent data from the Economic Policy Institute show that the inflation-adjusted hourly wage of college-educated Americans aged 23 to 29 dropped about 4.7 percent from 2007 to 2011.
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The figure below shows the real hourly wage and hours worked by employees of the average small business as a fraction of their levels when the Great Recession began.
There I found the U.S. median hourly wage rate for electrical and electronic equipment assemblers, which pretty accurately describes the work done by all those Foxconn workers assembling iPads.
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By limiting the subsidy to a quarter of the drop in a worker's hourly wage, Mr Kling makes sure no one is rewarded for simply putting in fewer hours.
Some have argued that increasing the minimum wage might reduce employment but still redistribute wealth to poor workers because their increased hourly wage might compensate for a reduction in employment.
In contrast, across all age groups and education levels, government figures show that the average age-adjusted hourly wage for workers in production and non supervisor roles have, in fact, risen 3% in the same time period.
As well as guaranteeing what is still a good hourly wage, these agreements stifle innovation (through detailed work rules) and offer health-care benefits that are far more generous than those which the steel firms' white-collar workers get.
On the issue of the janitors, it is -- if you work for an hourly wage, and you earn overtime, and you depend on that overtime to make ends meet, it is simply a fact that a reduction in overtime is a reduction in your pay.
Compared to the estate tax provisions in current law, and after all economic adjustments, repeal of the estate tax would increase GDP by about 2.25 percent, private sector output and labor income (hours worked times hourly wage) by about 2.34 percent, and capital stock by 6.1 percent.
Demand Three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment and a twenty dollar hourly minimum wage for those who choose to work.
For those occupations where there is not an hourly mean wage published, the annual wage has been directly calculated from the reported survey data.
According to the BLS, the annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by 40 hours a week for 52 weeks.
About five years ago, the federation joined with local community groups mobilizing to improve working conditions for car washers, mainly immigrants sometimes paid less than the hourly minimum wage and largely relying on tips.
In fact, researchers are looking into ways to bring more flexibility to the hardest case low-wage and hourly jobs.
Rising unemployment is capping wage gains: hourly pay rose by just 0.2% from September.
The typical hourly job in this country paid no higher wage in 2008 (adjusting for inflation) than in 1974.
That of course refers to the old minimum wage of course: but there were about 1.9 million workers, or about 2.5 % of all hourly paid workers, who got the minimum wage or below.
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So wage pressure has been rising, with average hourly pay edging up 0.4% in both June and July, according to the latest government figures.
But wage pressure has been creeping up, with average hourly wages edging up 0.4% in both June and July, according to the latest government figures.
Furthermore, average hourly earnings rose by .3% during the month, as wage inflation has been lacking for quite some time and has severely lagged a rebound in corporate profits.
Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all the hourly-paid workers who comprise 59.1 percent of the entire wage and salary workforce.
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