Some calculators will analyze your spending on these items, for example comparing it with a national average based on your salary and the number of people in your house hold.
The House Republicans hold their leadership elections a day later, on Friday, and they, too, have decisions to make.
Christopher Dodd, in a New York Times piece yesterday, was suggesting that perhaps the White House should hold a summit to bridge the gaps and so forth.
The mask is about four metres tall - so large that it takes a hundred men six months of work to prepare the costume and build an outdoor house to hold it before a performance.
But some House Republicans, who hold a majority in the House of Representatives have suggested that action on gun legislation was premature and that they were focused on the tragedy.
So we have a Washington reset that is essentially the status quo squared: Democrats in the White House and firmly in control of the Senate, while Republicans hold the House of Representatives.
The country is set to dissolve the lower house today and hold elections on December 16.
In the current House, Republicans hold 230 seats, Democrats hold 201, with one independent who usually votes with Democrats.
House Republicans will hold leadership elections next Wednesday, with Boehner and other top leaders expected to stay in their posts.
It only put the house bubble on hold and prepared (by way of ridiculously low interest rates) the great inflation of 2003 to 2005.
They note that President George W. Bush's Justice Department refused to take any action after a Democratic-controlled House voted in early 2008 to hold then-White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and then-White House Counsel Harriet Miers in contempt for actions relating to the controversial dismissal of several U.S. prosecutors.
Mr Boehner, the Republican likely to become speaker of the House when the next Congress convenes in January, said four legislators - one from each party from both the House and Senate - would hold talks soon with the White House to negotiate a resolution to the tax issue.
The same tide that would take Mr Romney into the White House would, one should assume, probably win the Republicans the Senate and continue their hold on the House.
They will lose 12 seats but hold the House by a 220 to 215 majority.
Democrats were also angered that House Republicans plan to hold only one hearing on their bill.
The House of Bishops will hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday morning following the decision, a Church spokesman said.
BBC: Women bishops: Church of England general synod votes against - BBC News
And never mind the fact that there's another human being in the house who can also hold a broom.
Republicans are expected to hold the House following the elections today, a move that Boehner says constitutes a mandate.
FORBES: Boehner Claims Victory In The House, Mandate To Not Raise Taxes
Republicans hope to hold the House and Senate for four consecutive congressional sessions for the first time since the 1920s.
In the House, the Democrats hold 233 seats to the Republicans' 202.
Last year, her party lost its majority in the Upper House after failing to hold on to another highly populated region, North Rhine-Westphalia.
The move would mirror a similar walkout by House Republicans in 2008, when Democrats, who then controlled the House, voted to hold two top Bush Administration officials in contempt of Congress.
House GOP leaders said immediately they would hold a vote on Friday, which left House Democrats in a pickle.
Also on Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing on a similar bill to use TARP funds for automakers.
The House International Relations Committee will hold hearings on October 26th, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on November 3rd.
Armey also dismissed the idea that McCain is critical to the Republican effort to hold onto the House in 2002.
Some believe the White House has already begun to hold the threat of a release over traders as a means of helping to contain prices.