House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) and House Administration Committee chair Bob Ney (R-OH) are just the latest walking proof.
Blast-resistant windows protected many workers at the Pentagon from flying glass, according to House Administration Committee Chairman Bob Ney, Republican of Ohio.
Last night Ohio Republican Bob Ney announced that he will step down for the time being as chair of the House Administration Committee.
For example, Ohio Republican Bob Ney, the so-called Representative Number One in the plea, is chairman of the House Administration Committee, sort of the mayor of the House side of Capitol Hill.
One who has already paid a price, while still protesting his innocence, is Republican Bob Ney of Ohio, who stepped down this week as chairman of the House Administration Committee (the so-called "mayor of Capitol Hill").
On March 4th the House of Commons public administration committee said that it would hold a hearing on Lord Ashcroft's ennoblement.
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Arguments for and against external appointments to public positions were presented to the House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee a couple of years ago.
At the initiative of freshman Representative John Duncan (R-Tennessee) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who chairs the House Republican Study Committee, the House of Representatives last Friday voted 229-193 to bar millions of dollars the administration had sought to contribute to the funding of LOST organizations.
It compares Administration, Senate and House Armed Services Committee proposals for a variety of conventional and nuclear weapons programs.
Testifying before the House Financial Services Committee, Geithner said the administration plans to open a public comment period next month for stakeholders to weigh in on what to do with the government-controlled mortgage buyers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In making that announcement, the officials said the administration would voice its displeaure at the House Rules Committee.
On Afghanistan, last week, The Washington Post reported that the White House or the administration had asked John Kerry and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee not to release a report it had completed on corruption in Afghanistan.
On Tuesday, Republican members of the House Oversight Committee demanded the SEC turn over documents and communications with the Obama administration and media outlets like The New York Times, accusing the SEC of filing the charges as a political move to help push the financial reform legislation through the Senate.
After holding hearings on U.S. licensed sales to Iraq in September 1990, the House Government Operations Committee sought from the Commerce Department's Bureau of Export Administration, managed by then-Under Secretary of Commerce Dennis Kloske, a list of all U.S. dual-use exports licensed for sale to Iraq between 1985 and 1990.
Republicans on the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee have picked a new fight with the Clinton administration, this time threatening Attorney General Janet Reno with contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over internal memos making the case for appointment of an independent counsel in the ongoing campaign finance probe.
During the Carter administration he was appointed to the Committee for the Preservation of the White House and served as Chairman of the White House Preservation Fund.
Administration officials point to a report by the Democratic staff of the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week that determined that in Oregon and Washington the competition is lowering premium rates even before income-based tax credits are taken into account.
In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, a Secret Service official contradicted a White House explanation on why the Clinton Administration sought the files.
Administration officials testifying recently in hearings convened by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Government Operations Committee have conceded that insufficient attention has been given to the implications of East-West technology decontrol decisions for weapons proliferation from North to South.
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform asked Wednesday why Lurita Doan, administrator of the General Services Administration, allowed a White House aide to brief her managers on the Republican Party's prospects for 2008.
The Bush administration had been lukewarm to such a plan until Monday, after Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke told a House committee that he thought a stimulus plan was a good idea.
The Obama administration has not made any decision yet about consulting the WTO on the matter, but the House Ways and Means Committee, which has oversight of U.S. trade deals, is pushing for it.
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While the House Judiciary Committee is drafting a proposal for a "blue ribbon" commission to investigate the incident, a senior administration official tells CNN the White House is pushing for an independent investigation of the matter.