"Just as we commend our troops, it is time to do our job, " said House Budget committee chairman Jim Nussle, after intense lobbying of moderate Republicans by Vice-President Dick Cheney and White House chief of staff Andrew Card.
White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card declared that the Bush campaign was certain of its victory.
Leahy had informed White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card of his decision to vote against Ashcroft on Monday morning.
When acting Attorney General James Comey backed him up, then White House Counsel Gonzales and White House Chief of Staff Andy Card went to the hospital to try to get a critically ill John Ashcroft to override the decision.
Senior aides said the president had a change of heart after observing homeland security efforts over the last nine months and hearing recommendations from administration officials who looked into their effectiveness, including White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge.
The official said that Andrew Card, the White House chief of staff, has asked his staff to focus on the business of governing, and not on these alleged pranks.
Thibodeau said he's expecting a packed house for the auction because of the interest in the card, which is one of 425 items being sold.
These are habits that will be much more important down the line when they want to form a family and buy a house of their own, so getting them a credit card early can be great practice and a good way to build credit.
We venture into dangerous waters when as individuals we have an equity line of credit on our house, car payments or credit card debt.
That prompted then-White House Counsel Gonzales and President Bush's chief of staff, Andy Card, to go to Ashcroft's bedside in an intensive care unit at George Washington University Hospital.
Ryan was one of only 64 House members to vote against a law requiring credit card companies to notify cardholders they were going to raise their interest rates (it passed).
Replacing Andy Card with White House Budget Director Josh Bolten is not going to make much of a difference.
All guests who come through the doors of the White House throughout the holiday season are invited to fill out an Operation Honor Card pledging to serve their community.
WHITEHOUSE: Holidays at the White House 2012: The Gold Star Family Tree
In dire danger of losing the House, the Republicans appear to be planning to play the national security card in the last 15 legislative days before Congress recesses for the election.
To get it to work you actually have to sign up for one of their sponsors' offers (like the Columbia House DVD club, the GM credit card, AOL for Broadband, etc.) and also get five other people to also take them up on one of their offers.
ENGADGET: Free iPods from FreeiPods.com? Engadget gets the scoop
Mr Latham said a police search of Mr Huntley's house found "a small piece of paper" which he said could be described as a "crib card".