Hover over each state to see the dollar amount exempt from taxes and the top rate.
The fish swam lazily near the shoreline, pausing to hover over an area about the size of a bathtub.
Hover over any icon and a pop-up window will appear with more information.
When you conduct photo searches now, the ridiculously small symbol will pop up if you hover over the photos.
The copter would then hover over the house, and James and the remaining six SEALs would shimmy down to the roof.
Nor does the film ever confront the post- colonial questions that hover over the Algerian villagers' dependence on the French monks.
ECONOMIST: Two very different films explore Algeria��s turbulent past
The "pilot" controls the aircraft at a safe distance, directing the machine to hover over the water where whales are surfacing.
The second pilot, unsure whether his colleagues were taking fire or experiencing mechanical problems, ditched his plan to hover over the roof.
We witness the splendor of Sutherland Falls, then hover over Mackinnon Pass, still shrouded in clouds and looking as inhospitable as ever.
On the S4, you simply hover over the entry with your finger.
Some questions still hover over the governor's past, especially his reckless youth.
One challenge would involve creating a magnetic head that could hover over those dots, read their signal and write new data onto the grid.
This fall Portmann will send one to hover over tsunami sensors embedded on the ocean floor to collect data and beam it back to shore.
FORBES: Why Climate Scientists, Oil Drillers And The Military Are Clamoring For Green Ocean Robots
At the office, Mr. White says static squats, where you hover over your seat, is a great way to work the leg and gluteal muscles.
These include a quick preview function, which can show the contents of a folder when you hover over it and before you actually tap into it.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Note II: hands-on with the new S Pen-toting phablet (video)
This network is a set of geostationary communications satellites (ie, spacecraft that have an orbital period of 24 hours, and so hover over the same place).
ECONOMIST: Technological advances are liberating news reporting
What has most people scratching their heads is the black crow that appears to hover over Depp's head, and the black stripes that run vertically down his painted face.
As the monsoon clouds hover over the Arabian Sea starting June, they herald the worst of times for commuters in India's financial capital, situated on the country's western coast.
Gone are the days when shop assistants might hover over a customer's shoulder to check that expensive volumes were not just being read and then put back on the shelf.
Users will be able to hover over any of the eight blocks to select audio from each, and you can catch the mayhem beginning at 7:00PM ET on that fateful Tuesday.
ENGADGET: DirecTV's Election Mix channel brings maximum coverage to one place
She does this now rather than ferry her doddering mother (a feisty Frances Sternhagen) to the grocery story or chitchat with her husband (a sad sack John Ellison Conlee) or hover over her daughter (a solid Phoebe Strole).
The Home software also can display SMS communications and Facebook messages as "chat heads" that hover over a user's screen regardless of what app is being used, another feature that places Facebook at the center of consumers' online interactions, no matter the medium.
WSJ: Facebook Shows Off New Home App for Android Smartphones
Mr Greenspan's presence seems to hover over every cabinet meeting, and he turns out to have a mole in Mr Reich's own department: a woman called Cindy, mistaken by Mr Reich for Mr Greenspan's piece of crumpet, who is feeding the Fed the weekly figures on applicants for unemployment insurance.
Even so, however, the deficit would still hover just over 3 percent of GDP after 2015, a manageable level if the economy returns to normal growth.
"When you hover the cursor over the editing changes, the identity of the editor pops up, and it just says 'Merck, '" Curfman says.
Linux, the free, open source operating system, continues to hover at a little over one percent.
If you hover your mouse pointer over a pin, a small thumbnail pops-up, which you can click to see the photos from that area in the right-hand-side bar.
Using the new S Pen allows you to be more precise and gives a writing experience that feels like writing with pen and paper and with Air View you can hover the S Pen over emails, picture and video galleries to preview them.