How do you see Blue Dogs, moderate to conservative, pro-defense, pro-fiscal conservatism, these Democrats - how do you see yourselves being led by a Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco?
How do you, Chris' -- talking to myself -- 'How do you go from point A to point B?
The very simple forms like driving a car -- once you know how to do it, you do it automatically -- we call that implicit memory storage.
You looked around at this flat, beautiful land and all this sun -- I just -- I asked the question, how many days of sun do you get a year -- 320 -- that's pretty good -- and decided that Boulder City was the perfect place to generate solar power.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Expanding Our Energy Portfolio
How do you -- how do each of you want to make the world a better place?
And if not, what do you think -- how do you think markets will react to that?
Let me ask you what difficulty you see along this road, and what do you -- how do you assess the chances for success?
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
How many are in the camp, how many sleep in this shelter, where is your husband, what are your most urgent needs, when did you arrive, when will you go back, is it safe in and around the camp, how do you earn money, what do you eat, what do you do with the food and non-food items received, how much food do you need per month?
My question is, how long do you think -- the kind of springboard from which you were just saying, how long do you think it would take for us to have more hybrid vehicles on the road than gas vehicles, and what would it take?
Many firms, from Walt Disney Co. to Comcast to Ziff-Davis to Forbes, struggle with the same issue as they invest in Web firms or open new on-line businesses: How do you keep old-liners happy while paying people on the Web what they expect?
Once you've made your investment, there's no limit to how big the company can grow, how much you can roll over or how many times you can do a rollover--provided you can find another small-business stock to roll your gains into.
So I was just wondering how exactly do you implement his principles and his values in your day-to-day life, and how do you expect the people in the U.S. to live in those values?
Indeed the quality of the line-up led to some inevitable schedule clashes - for example, how do you choose whether to see New York's Interpol or Editors, their UK equivalent?
Have you -- do you know how the administration is going to announce the results of those things without hurting the banks that may be short of capital, and obviously affect their bank stock price?
"I called my wife - Pamela Stephenson - and said "how do you act?
If you step back and look -- how do you get hard things done when you have opposing sides?
How can you stress-test banks if you do not know how their troubled assets will be dealt with and at what price?
How many guys -- of you guys have done this -- did you do this last year?
We'll go ahead and warn you that some of these aren't entirely -- how do you say?
If the alternative to using your service is to do the work in-house, then you must show how you can do the work better and faster.
You have got a company worth billions and billions and billions of dollars - how do you fine them?
Whether that is -- whether that's getting -- you heard the President talk about this in the campaign -- how do we get mothers help that they need even before they have children?
How do you instill in your daughter a can-do spirit and these kinds of high standards?
CNN: Meet the new girl: Parenting a gender-neutral generation
The main unanswered question however is how much it will all cost, but knowing what we do now -- how much are you willing to pay?
Professor Tannen, I wanted to go back to you, did you want to jump in on this point of historically, how do you think this - the kind of conversation we're having now fits in?
Bags, pouches, tubes--how do you dazzle someone at a cocktail party talking about "flexible packaging"?