Picture John Kerry duck hunting or Howard Dean at a Nascar race--populism as a pose.
And Governor, are you now ready to talk with Howard Dean about a new primary date?
Howard Dean's team is generally credited with taking the internet to a new level within politics.
Tom Harkin, Iowa's senior and most popular Democrat, endorsed Howard Dean for president Friday.
But Kerry has not been able to raise funds as prolifically as Howard Dean.
Kerry and Howard Dean are the only Democratic candidates to opt out of public financing.
Judith Steinberg Dean, married to former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, practices medicine in Burlington, Vermont.
John Kerry leads a recent poll, well ahead of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.
The only one that's beginning to make progress in thinking this through is Howard Dean.
Mr. HOWARD DEAN (Chairman, Democratic National Committee): We're going to Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico.
It may rattle Howard Dean, the leading Democratic challenger, who has been staunchly against the war.
One of the contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, Howard Dean, has demanded resignations over the issue.
Granite State voters can be swayed by the Iowa results, as former presidential candidate Howard Dean learned.
Though my own views were consistent with Dennis Kucinich's, it was Howard Dean who got my money.
Similarly, Howard Dean might have mopped up the college-professor-and-student vote: this has gone to Mr Kerry too.
One of the contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, Howard Dean, has called for resignations over the issue.
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Saying Howard Dean is more an idealist than an angry candidate, former Sen.
To be sure, MSNBC was already packed with former Democratic presidential candidates, from Al Sharpton to Howard Dean.
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean vowed to stay in the race, despite performing poorly in all seven states.
Howard Dean, when he spoke more loudly, he lifted his mike higher, which made it sound twice as loud.
The DNC, which a lot of Democratic activists like, they like Howard Dean.
Mr. HARRIS: Al Gore didn't do much for Howard Dean four years ago.
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean did as well among those opposed to the war as among those who backed it.
But comments by Howard Dean, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, suggested party leaders would not support that position.
Howard Dean, a former governor of Vermont, launched an outsider's bid for the presidency on the back of anti-war feelings.
Trippi, who ran former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign, said Kennedy's work ethic is something rarely seen in politics.
Howard Dean made a point of saying that all 43 members of Congress who are African-American are individuals who are Democrats.
In 2004 an odd presidential candidate, Howard Dean, came out of nowhere and had a shot at winning his party's nomination.
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who was a distant second in the weekend contests, is not competing in Tuesday's primaries.
John Kerry, -D-Massachusetts, and John Edward, D-North Carolina, and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean are also viewed as possible 2004 presidential contenders.