The season begins with a supernatural occurrence that halts human death on the entire planet.
The 1918 pandemic did its worst after the first human death between week 16 and week 26 after the second wave and where the virus had mutated into the deadly human-to-human mass killer.
But Richard Dale says he could not have made a programme about the human body without including death.
And, it portrayed him as a human being affected by death and celebrity.
But death and human remains can have shock value, as the comedian Sacha Baron Cohen showed at last month's Oscars ceremony.
Dr Ellis said while there was sadness at the death of a human being, people demonstrating and rejoicing was "distasteful".
More than the death of a human being, this ends the life of a powerful symbol of terrorism and destruction, said Nadine Kaslow, psychologist at Emory University.
The life cycle of the silkworm was seen as representing the life, death and rebirth of human beings.
Unless the international community steps up to halt the violence, the human suffering will continue and the death toll will rise.
The fact of death is something every human being can relate to.
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The human consequences, in terms of death and evacuation, were also large.
Pantelis Kapsis, a Greek government spokesman, told reporters the man's death was "a human tragedy" but said the exact circumstances were still unknown, according to a government website.
Whether a situation for a stockbroker at an independent or regional firm or at Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, RBC, UBS, or wherever, as long as human being have brokerage accounts, death and estate issues will exist.
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One of its authors is Asma Jahangir, a Pakistani human-rights campaigner who has faced death threats, and in 2007, house arrest.
Six centuries after the Black Death ravaged Europe, the gruesomeness of the disease and its hopeless, unavoidable death sentence still assault the human psyche.
It involved death, the ultimate of human tragedy and ending.
Records from the Colombian government's human rights observatory also blame rebels for the death.
"I got a dose of understanding human behavior, and I learned what the death penalty does to us, " she said.
The Christian research group Theos claims that "even amongst atheists, the most sceptical group in the population, nearly a quarter (23%) believe in the human soul, 15% in life after death, and 14% in reincarnation".
BBC: 2011 Census: Is Christianity shrinking or just changing?
If an advertiser chooses to merely block and tackle, lacking human relevance, his message will die a quick death.
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By 1948 the Nuremberg Code, inspired by revelations of experiments in the Nazi death camps, set standards for medical studies on human subjects.
There is a way out of the Valley of Death, however, but it will require both human doctors and technology to approach the problem differently.
Royal College of Nursing chief executive Dr Peter Carter, meanwhile, said it was "deeply saddening that a simple human error due to a cruel hoax could lead to the death of a dedicated and caring member of the nursing profession".
In a subtle send-up of how very odd human beings can be, Mr Yehoshua evokes thoughts of fate, death and how people come to feel that they belong.
Ms Alexander's solicitor, Daniel Machover, says failure to hold an inquest would be a breach of her right under Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights to have a prompt investigation into her son's death.
Cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry are raised for human consumption, their meds controlled by farmers and ranchers from birth to death (generally around age two).
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Dr. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) dares to tamper with the essential nature of life and death by creating a monster (Karloff) out of lifeless human body parts.
"There's a form of murder in which you may not have intended to kill, but that you engaged in conduct that had such high death-producing potential and depraved indifference to the value of human life, " Stokes said.
But one thing is certain, cucumbers, when they turn violent on mammalian consumers, remind us how fickle nature can be when it comes to issues of life and death, let alone global economic analysis, at least in human terms.
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