The Countryside Alliance, a lobbying group, is preparing to challenge the ban under human rights law.
Respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms without distinction of any kind is a fundamental rule of international human rights law.
The President of the Philippines Benigno Aquino has signed a new human rights law on the abduction of individuals by state officials.
His position was fiercely criticised by Professor Conor Gearty of the London School of Economics, one of Britain's leading experts on human rights law.
Earlier in the year hunt supporters failed to get the lower courts to rule that the legislation breached human rights law, trading and employment regulations.
International human rights law also prohibits specific violations, and governments have a responsibility to take action to stop violence against women regardless of who is perpetrating that violence.
The Conservatives pointed out that the part of her bill which allowed legal aid to be sought by domestic abuse victims without means testing could contravene human rights law.
Justice Secretary Chris Grayling has said he is "absolutely certain" the Conservatives will go into the next election with a "plan" that could involve a change in human rights law.
It has even been discouraged from capturing pirates, because they might demand asylum in Britain, a request with which the UK might have to comply under international human rights law.
Her Highness Sheikha Moza introduced the new publication, which examines the intersection between international human rights law, humanitarian and criminal law with respect to violations of the right to education.
That verdict could impact on thousands of indigenous communities in Ecuador and beyond who want their governments to adhere to international human rights law that requires them to consult with indigenous peoples before giving developments on their land the go-ahead.
The commission argued that viewing sectarianism as "Protestant-Catholic religious prejudice, political factionalism, or even 'tribalism' " placed it outside the context of well-established international human rights law, specifically the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which came into force back in 1969.
The petitioners-consisting of 10 industry groups and 2 individuals-had argued that the pilot program exceeded the TLC's authority and that it violated several provisions of the New York City Charter and New York City Administrative Code, City rulemaking procedures, the City Human Rights Law, and State and City environmental statutes.
ENGADGET: Judge dismisses lawsuit against NYC taxi-hailing app pilot
Lord Pannick argued that there was no danger of a successful challenge under human rights law, because the European Court of Human Rights precedent was firmly against the idea that people had a human right to a particular kind of religious marriage - so if a marriage was refused for religious reasons, the courts would uphold that decision.
He says, for example, that local councils will have to examine their social work procedures to see if their child protection policies are compatible with human-rights law on family life.
They may yet be able to win America's backing for an institution that would, at last, fulfil the aspiration expressed at the Nuremberg trials 53 years ago: to apply human-rights law without fear or favour to every conflict.
The draft Gender Recognition Bill was published one year after a landmark ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that current UK law breached transsexuals' human rights.
BBC: Transsexual Elizabeth Bellinger and her husband Michael
It is being brought under the 1998 Human Rights Act, which incorporates into UK law the European Convention on Human Rights.
But a government bill to incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into British law is now going through Parliament.
One good thing that the home secretary has done is to incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into British law.
Lewis worked for 32 years as a columnist for the Times, taking up such causes as free speech, human rights and constitutional law.
Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, is due next month to publish a bill incorporating the European Convention on Human Rights into British law.
This incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into British law.
He has acted to limit the scope of the Prevention of Terrorism Act, and backed incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights into British law.
British Home Secretary Theresa May ordered Dewani's extradition in September, but he appealed to the High Court, saying it would breach his human rights under European law.
CNN: UK court halts extradition of honeymoon killing suspect
His lawyers argued last year that his extradition would breach his human rights under European law because he risked being attacked by other inmates in South African prisons.
Three years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that denying offenders the right of appeal against being on the register was incompatible with their human rights and the law was changed so sex offenders could ask their local police force to remove them from the register 15 years after they are released from prison.
The members of the Security Council reaffirmed the need to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and all obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.
More recently, most of them felt still more aggrieved when the European Court of Human Rights declared that a French law offended against privacy and property rights by forcing small (but not big) landowners to let shooters on their land.