Research conducted by Cisco, which has experimented with telepresence robots in house, found that employees were, oddly, more honest and open with a human-operated robot than with a human colleague.
In a phrase first coined by the Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori, get too human and they fall into the "Uncanny Valley", that point on a graph that plots acceptance against how human like a robot is where acceptance falls through the floor.
In 2009, the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research (RTC), a joint project established in 2007 and located at the Nagoya Science Park in central Japan, unveiled a robot called RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) designed to assist in this task.
ENGADGET: RIBA-II healthcare robot now stronger, smarter -- still a bear
Building a robot that can stand and walk on two legs like a human is challenging enough -- but what about a robot that swims like a human?
The code will be used to help robots complete tasks more efficiently and could pave the way for human-to-robot business meetings.
To my eye, Zoe was stuck somewhere in the "uncanny valley", that no man's land between robot and realistic human replica that makes us feel uncomfortable.
S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the agency responsible for tracking storms like Isaac, are hoping the robot can amplify human forecasting abilities.
FORBES: Hurricane Isaac: Robot 'Alex' Rides Waves To Help Forecasting
The 57-pound device is a robot that a human could wear over his or her body either to assist or inhibit movement in leg joints.
ENGADGET: NASA and IHMC building X1 exoskeleton to give us a lift, keep us fit in space and on Earth
"Part of having your journalists on these platforms is giving them the freedom to be a normal human being, not a robot, a PR machine or a slave to the wire, " he blogged.
Something interesting emerged in the results: "The network that normally processes your body movements is more active when you view an android, " compared with when you look at a stripped-down robot or a human, Saygin explains.
The pharmacy manager explained to me that neither gemfibrozil nor Vicodin was actually dispensed by human pharmacists but by a robot, and she speculated that the robot must have filled my prescription (with gemfibrozil) and then gone on to the next prescription (Vicodin), somehow putting both kinds of pills into the same vial.
Asimov laid down the basic rule in 1942: no robot should harm a human.
The Agence France-Presse reports on a Japanese research team that is developing a seeing, hearing and smelling robot that can carry human beings.
When a robot is connected to, its human master is able to go onto the site to monitor the automatic status updates from the robot.
Players control a tiny robot who travels through the human body to destroy harmful cancer cells.
LS3, a dog-like robot, trots behind a human over rough terrain, carrying up to 180kg of supplies.
Our concern is that that permission may not always be required, that a robot could fire without any human intervention.
Some robot weapons already operate without human operators to save precious seconds.
The ultimate goal of the competition's creators is to pit human players against a dream team of robot counterparts within the next few decades.
Melhuish, who is director of the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab at the UWE, told CNN that the EcoBot II was a result of a quest for an intelligent robot that could function without human supervision.
The researchers showed 20 participants some video clips of three "actors" moving in the same ways: a human, an android modeled after the human, and a stripped-down robot (the same android without its humanlike form).
The reasons such efforts drive up the costs include: A human needs a return ticket, while a robot can go one way.
Their conclusions will perhaps give pause to those who see the ultimate robot as something which physically resembles a human being.
ECONOMIST: Robots and psychology: Mapping the uncanny valley | The
Ongoing research includes the development of socially intelligent robot partners that interact with humans in human-centric terms, work with humans as peers, and learn from people as an apprentice.
Indeed, how else to explain why Honda has studied the maddeningly evasive cockroach (for anticollision technology), decoded the rice genome (to increase crop yields and create more-productive crops for biofuels) and developed a robot that can get instructions by reading human brain waves (to learn how machines and humans can better coexist).
The robot is a bit slower than a good human pruner, but it will speed up.
Should it be the robot's programmer, designer, manufacturer, human overseer or his superiors?
However, said Mr. Metta, even if we can not make a humanoid robot, we can nevertheless make other robots more human.
By doing so the robot's camera scanner reading of DNA test strips eliminates human error.
Industrial robots are getting better at assembly, but they are expensive and need human experts to set them up (who can cost more than the robot).