That ended in a hung jury and the fourth trial finally ended on Friday.
The third trial resulted in a hung jury, as did the retrial that followed.
The hung jury brought to a close a chapter in the high-profile case, which has lasted for months.
CNN: Arias trial jury foreman calls decision 'gut-wrenching'
But after his September 2004 trial ended in a hung jury, the feds abruptly lost their taste for prosecuting Ehrgott.
His first trial ended in a hung jury, despite prosecutors having portrayed the once highly paid Quattrone in a most lurid light.
Under Arizona law, a hung jury in the death penalty phase of a trial requires a new jury to be seated to decide the punishment.
But although the hung jury lets Merck off the hook for now, it falls short of a clear win and could allow plaintiffs to retry the case.
But he said he changed his mind within hours of announcing the hung jury, because he wanted to draw attention to the confusing nature of campaign-finance guidelines.
It ended with a hung jury, in large part due to the star alibi witness, a manager at the zoo who said she was having drinks with Mr Hankton at a hotel when the murder occurred.
If, during closing arguments, the defense can convince just one juror that there was no criminal intent behind the actions of Lay and Skilling--that they didn't know of any illegal activities--a hung jury may be the outcome.
Kirk Shelton on 12 counts of fraud (the jury hung on co-defendant Walter Forbes).
Earlier Monday, the jury, after deliberating for two weeks, said it was hung on two counts, and the judge instructed them to continue trying to reach a verdict on them.