Republican prisoners in Northern Ireland highlighted their cause by staging hunger strikes in 1980 and 1981.
Glasgow-born Brady has been on successive hunger strikes since 1999 in an attempt to kill himself.
Many are homeless, and some have conducted hunger strikes because they have not been paid.
Diab's brother Bassam, himself a former prisoner, said hunger strikes are the only weapons to end the practice of administrative detention.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest say Obama's team is closely monitoring the hunger strikes, but deferred to the Pentagon for any specifics.
These businesses are built on the idea that most of the time, consumers are driving alone and when hunger strikes, the decision is simple.
In several universities, students have staged anti-Suharto rallies or hunger strikes.
The business model of these companies is to entice the on-the-go, errand running consumer to stop in and pick up a burger (or taco) when the hunger strikes.
Between 1979 and 1982 Nicholas was a BBC reporter in Northern Ireland, working on major stories such as the assassination of Earl Mountbatten and the IRA hunger strikes.
Once hunger strikes, festival-goers flock to booths selling Beaver Tails.
There were a couple cases in the Irish hunger strikes where they were force-fed, but that only happened after court orders from relatives of some of the people on hunger strike.
Those included not just signing the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1985, but also her willingness to authorise back channel contacts with the IRA leadership during the hunger strikes in the early 1980s.
Biggs says the hunger strikes by suffragettes in Britain "similarly gained media attention and enhanced the commitment of supporters" but the vote came later and arguably owed more to women's service in World War I.
It's also quite significant in that the person who gave that videotaped statement was one Seanna Walsh, who was a very close associate of Bobby Sands, the first person to die in the hunger strikes.
Over the days to come there will no doubt be renewed focus on the claims and counter claims about exactly what Lady Thatcher and her officials had been willing to concede to the prisoners as those hunger strikes dragged on.
Mahatma Gandhi undertook 17 public hunger-strikes during his lifetime, using them to advance his vision of tolerance and religious diversity.
In India the anti-corruption demonstrations and hunger-strikes led by Anna Hazare for a while dictated the terms of the national political debate.
That hunger should be an issue at all in the waddling, all-you-can-eat United States strikes even hunger-watchers as ironic.
ECONOMIST: And, despite ever-expanding waistlines, it is not alone