"Unless these small hydro projects are done, we are wasting an existing resource, " says Babar.
Under Babar's tutelage the Punjab government is installing several small hydro and solar power plants.
The development would be Scotland's biggest ever hydro scheme but objectors warn it could damage tourism.
The Hydro will be part of the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) complex in Glasgow.
It runs 73 fossil and hydro plants along with six nuclear reactors at three sites.
Its increase in coal-burning is increasing almost as much as nuclear, wind and hydro combined.
It runs 73 fossil and hydro plants along with 6 nuclear reactors at three sites.
Other energy sources, such as hydro power solar, and wind power are extremely safe.
Relations between the countries have deteriorated over a hydro-electric dam that Tajikistan is building.
The proposals are separate to those first put forward by Shrewsbury Hydro in June 2011.
The organisation said its own studies suggested a hydro-electric scheme at Castlefields weir was financially viable.
In the long-term China is also investing heavily in hydro-electrical power and another renewable energies.
Solar energy, hydro-electricity, geothermal, biofuels and nuclear are options that are going to be explored.
Israel has expressed interest in investing in such unobjectionable concerns as agriculture and hydro-electric power.
To that can now be added burgeoning commercial interests in hydro-electricity, construction and telecoms.
The most notable casualty is the massive hydro-electric Bakun Dam in East Malaysia's Sarawak state.
Ten miles south of San Miguel is Playa Palancar beach, where you can rent hydro bikes and snorkelling gear.
The scheme is based on the same principle as Dinorwig's First Hydro plant in Llanberis.
So they did for the hydro-power companies, which were within days of enforced electricity rationing.
Heroic images of Hydro workers dangling from helicopters to restore broken cables suggested selfless devotion.
Then the NIMBY and Flat Earthers join in with indefensible numbers about Coal, Hydro, or Nuclear costs.
FORBES: Why Landowners Fight Wind And Solar Transmission Lines
Get Wet and Be Worry-Free This Summer with the Waterproof Kyocera Hydro Android Smartphone from Boos ...
Nobody can deny that hydro is one of the cheapest, cleanest, most efficient ways of producing electricity.
Work has started to install a turbine at a community hydro-electric project after bad weather caused delays.
But though 89% of the country's hydro projects operate below design capacity, the building continues wastefully apace.
That water is then released through tunnels to generate hydro electric power at times when consumers need it.
The Edge and Xtrm build on the previously launched Hydro specs but with upgrades across the board.
In turn, they simply throttle back their hydro plants and store more water behind dams for later use.
FORBES: Denmark: 1,000 Megawatts Of Offshore Wind, And No Signs of Slowing Down
Osney Lock Hydro (OLH) has planning permission for a water turbine on the River Thames at Osney Lock.
BBC: Oxford's Osney Lock hydroelectric plant cash total raised
France and Sweden have decarbonized more than any other nation through public deployment of nuclear power and hydro.