Last month it similarly agreed to pay Paraguay more for electricity from Itaipu, the hydroelectric dam they share.
ECONOMIST: Brazil's foreign policy
The two countries share the Itaipu hydroelectric dam (still the world's largest until China's Three Gorges is completed).
Erecting a hydroelectric dam, which tends to put the river goddess into a vile mood, requires more elaborate trickery.
MW. The Bonneville hydroelectric dam on the Columbia River, near the site of the Oregon windmills, produces a fifth of that all by itself.
ECONOMIST: Wind power
Brazil is Paraguay's biggest trading partner, and its purchase of electricity from Itaipu, the vast hydroelectric dam the two countries share, represents Paraguay's second-biggest export.
ECONOMIST: Paraguay��s impeachment
Network engineering is not a glamorous profession, and the physical structures of the greatest network ever built lack the grandeur of a hydroelectric dam or a continent-spanning railway.
ECONOMIST: How the internet works
One aim was to clear the road to the Kajaki dam to allow the refurbishment of a hydroelectric plant.
ECONOMIST: British forces in Afghanistan
Vale is a partner in 11 hydroelectric power stations currently operating in Brazil, and working on one new dam, known as the Estreito dam in Tocantins state in the north.
FORBES: Agnelli Gone, Will Vale Join Amazon Dam Project?
The company runs 9 hydroelectric dams in Brazil and three in Indonesia, including the new, and small 90 megawatt Karebbe dam.
FORBES: Connect