Hydroelectric power uses about 39% of all fresh water in the United States annually.
Injunctions against hydroelectric power in the Amazon are common, with Belo being served 9 times already.
However, as British Columbia is proving, hydroelectric power generation is not limited to just dams.
The area is one of the three most important hydroelectric power production centres in France.
Looking ahead on the next wave of infrastructural projects, we think that hydroelectric power looks very promising.
Hydroelectric power accounted for almost 60% of Panama's electricity generation in 2010, according to the US Energy Information System.
Founded in 1912 near the Ibi River, Ibiden started out generating hydroelectric power.
The significantly lower carbon cost of the Vancouver Olympics is in part due to their easy access to hydroelectric power.
Panama derives more than half of its energy from hydroelectric power and a lack of rain has hit the supply hard.
On previous May Days, Mr Morales had announced the nationalisation of key industries, such as hydroelectric power and the electricity grid.
Aggravating the situation in California is an extreme drought in the Pacific Northwest, which is expected to reduce hydroelectric power generation.
Not solar and wind, but a relatively obscure type of hydroelectric power that is quickly becoming all the rage: run of river.
There are also suspicions that Mr Suzuki may have interfered in an aid project to build a hydroelectric power station in Kenya.
This also occurs when water levels are low, meaning less hydroelectric power.
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He adds that, by comparison, state-owned hydropower utility National Hydroelectric Power Corp.
It is doubtful whether Kenya's government is strong enough to save the Mau forest on which Nairobi depends for water and hydroelectric power.
It might make sense for vacation spots, like Kami Kochi National Park in the Japanese alps, that have an abundance of potential hydroelectric power.
However, environmentalists find objectionable the two biggest technologies that make up the renewables sector: hydroelectric power at 35 percent and biomass at 48 percent.
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In November Iran is also expected to choose a site for a 120 million dollar hydroelectric power station, with another three plants potentially to follow.
The Scandinavian country, which was hard hit by oil price rises in the 1970s, now gets the majority of its electricity from nuclear and hydroelectric power.
As I discussed in my overview of hydroelectric power in 2008, the main barriers to new hydroelectric facilities are complex environmental studies, permitting issues, and water laws.
FORBES: Administration Lays the Groundwork for Hydropower Boom
In Brazil, for instance, multinational environmental NGOs like Amazon Watch, Greenpeace and the WWF have been seen at the forefront of movements to stall agribusiness and hydroelectric power projects.
However, since Brazil switched on more gas-fired thermal plants in October, to cope with growing demand and ease the pressure on the hydroelectric power system, costs have increased significantly.
Vale is a partner in 11 hydroelectric power stations currently operating in Brazil, and working on one new dam, known as the Estreito dam in Tocantins state in the north.
In addition to harnessing hydroelectric power from an existing 60-megawatt plant to make silicon carbide, used in various industries, Taniguchi realized he could make plenty of cheap hydrogen fuel with current technology.
These dams, which produce one-third of the hydroelectric power in the United States, attracted the power-hungry aluminium plants that supplied metal for Boeing's aircraft production in the second world war and afterwards.
The third selling point: Hydrogen could, in principle, deliver energy independence to every nation because it can be derived using any number of sources-including oil, natural gas, nuclear fission, coal, hydroelectric power and wind.
And then there was the lack of electrical power -- the quakes cracked a hydroelectric power plant, forcing authorities to shut it down, making even a nearby airport unusable until portable generators could go online.
Bush said he would instruct the Energy Department to identify other federal lands that could be opened to exploration, support construction of new pipelines, expand refining capacity by tearing down "regulatory hurdles, " and commit billions to clean coal technology and hydroelectric power.
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