• He says it's the best private-sector plan he has seen for a hydrogen economy.

    FORBES: Mister Natural

  • And, despite Honda's launch, the idea of a hydrogen economy is also fading fast.

    ECONOMIST: A fundamental change is coming sooner than you might think

  • It may be premature to report that the death of the hydrogen economy has been greatly exaggerated.

    ECONOMIST: Tech.view: Hydrogen tries again | The

  • This gets around the great problem of a hydrogen economy, the transport of it (it leaks through steel pipes for example).

    FORBES: Apple Wrongfoots Greenpeace over Renewable Power for the iCloud

  • Proponents of a hydrogen economy want to produce the hydrogen with excess electricity from renewables such as wind power and solar energy.

    BBC: Hydrogen's energy promise improves

  • Does that mean the hydrogen economy has been finally laid to rest?

    ECONOMIST: Tech.view

  • Before I close, I would like to say a few words about the idea that "the hydrogen economy" can magically solve our energy problems.

    CNN: Commentary: Let's get real about alternative energy

  • Several studies conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee in the past few years have suggested using natural gas to jump-start the hydrogen economy.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Economics dictates that 95% of current U.S. hydrogen is produced by steam-methane re-forming of non-renewable natural gas, " Michael K. Heiman, professor of environmental studies at Dickinson College, wrote in a study of the proposed hydrogen economy last year.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The hydrogen for these fuel cells (and for the rest of Iceland's new hydrogen economy, should it come to pass) will be made initially in a fertiliser plant that has been turning the stuff out since the 1950s.

    ECONOMIST: Clean living in Iceland

  • It will take visionaries like Taniguchi to bring the hydrogen economy closer, say realists like Masasuke Takata, a professor at Nagoaka University of Technology in Niigata, and to keep the public's expectations a few notches below the utterly impossible.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Also, since the necessarily erratic nature of wind power necessitates the development of energy-storage technologies to guarantee continuous supply, wind power can also act as a spur to the development of a hydrogen economy in which cars no longer require petroleum fuel.

    ECONOMIST: Regulating radio

  • His mission: to create the world's first zero-emission, hydrogen-based economy--and to pull it off through no-nonsense business principles, not tree-hugging wishful thinking.

    FORBES: Mister Natural

  • Increasingly, experts see natural gas as the only economically feasible way to build a new, less-polluting, hydrogen-based economy--a vast market allowing the oil industry a second act at the center of a transportation revolution.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "I heard that Iceland was planning to switch its economy over to hydrogen, and I realized we could do it way faster on Yakushima, " says Taniguchi.

    FORBES: Mister Natural

  • The newspapers were full of articles on solar power, fusion and converting the economy to run on fuel cells and hydrogen.

    ECONOMIST: A fundamental change is coming sooner than you might think

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