"The demands of a start-up mean that I can only take a few days off, " he says.
WSJ: Creating a Small-Business Maternity Policy: A Bump in the Road? Prepping for Pregnant Employees
While I've had a few days off doing as little as possible, the new Welsh Government's been busier behind the scenes than it might have seemed in public.
BBC: The new CG and some raised eyebrows
Mr. RAGHAVAN: I just left a few days ago and this is where I spend my off time.
NPR: The Week in Iraq
And, in the few days I was using it, a little door covering the USB port fell off and the top cover, which I had removed to insert a cellular SIM card, kept coming loose.
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After a few days, I quickly forgot about what once was such a traumatic experience and was off playing some other short term fad.
FORBES: They're Baaaack!
And in preparation for the possibility of this a few days ago, obviously equipment was taken off of the Enterprise, which I think Thad Allen said yesterday would delay the next step in the containment, which is a helix device that will increase our capability off of the second line coming up from -- in addition to the top hat.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing