"I have not been able to play well in Japan until now, so I always thought perhaps I was not mentally strong enough to do so, " Nishikori added.
As I was trying to catch my breath, I took off my shirt, looked in the mirror and tried to convince myself that I was still that fit guy I had always thought I was.
"I always thought when I was young, if I ever made it -- and I hoped I would, and dreamed that I would -- I thought I would love to be able to come home and do something special to honor my family, " she said.
"I had to work through a lot of things, and more mentally as well because I always thought that during those months that I was away, everyone was working and everyone was training and everyone was playing so it kind of felt like I was left behind a little bit, " she said.
But I promised you then that I would always tell you what I thought.
There are many who have criticised me for being what they call a poster girl for the army - very flattering to be seen as a poster girl for anything at this time of life - but I think the truth is I am very fond of the army, because I always thought of it as my father's army.
"I never minded if the opposition scored, because I always thought we could score another, " Guttmann once said.
And I look at them and I just get depressed as hell, because I always have the same thought at that point, which is it used to be so much easier to be that way.
"Growing up I always thought all the best athletes in most sports were Nike players and I'm looking forward to joining the Nike family, " he added.
"I always had thought that maybe there was a chance I might be able to play someday, " he said.
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Then I changed to restaurant kitchens, where all of a sudden there were just more men than women, and I always thought that was weird.
"I think the Labour Party is useless at political campaigning and I've always thought that, " he declares.
Of all the plays, it's the one that sits in the loo and has travelled with me all over the place and that I've talked and thought about, and I've always circled around it.
"I always thought the majority of the players here could handle it, " McIlroy said.
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"I always thought that big companies had big checks written to them, " says Schmidt.
We were solidly middle class, but I always thought we were sort of poor.
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There were many deal lengths discussed but I always thought that a shorter-term solution was the best option.
"I always thought of Phil Ramone as the most talented guy in my band, " Joel said in a statement.
"I always thought it would be such a strong feeling, but in fact it was much different, " she added.
"I always thought he was taking copious notes, " says Mr. Moore, now chief executive of First Bancorp in Troy, N.
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Els may have been two ahead at that time, but I always thought six under was the likely winning score.
When playing soccer, I always thought you had to be nuts to launch yourself into the air and head the ball.
' It's natural to transform into a movie franchise, I always thought.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - More X-Files movies a possibility
As a kid who associated manti with summers spent at the dacha, I always thought they were as commonplace in Russia as borscht.
My initial interest was due to my electrical engineering background, I always thought that millimeter wave band was not suitable for long distance transmissions.
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Or a player like Berbatov, whom I always thought showed quality.
"I always thought he would do a good job, and he did, " said Boeheim, who enrolled at Syracuse in 1962 and has been head coach at his alma mater since 1976.
And finally Quadrophenia, which I always thought would work better if they had used period music throughout (Motown stuff mixed with early Who), rather than the bombastic soundtrack created for the film.
Ms. A. ROSSI: I always thought that this daughter should - a very, very wealthy man so that she could spend all her time if she wanted just in front of a canvass.