• The 16-year-old actress got her start in 2001's I Am Sam, which starred Sean Penn as a developmentally disabled father trying to gain custody of his 7-year-old daughter (Fanning).

    FORBES: Hollywood

  • I, Sam Pulsifer, am the man who accidentally burned down the Emily Dickinson House in Amherst, Massachusetts, and who in the process killed two people, for which I spent ten years in prison and, as letters from scholars of American literature tell me, for which I will continue to pay a high price long into the not-so-sweet hereafter.

    NPR: Chapter 1

  • The chief executive of Centrica, Sam Laidlaw, says I am painting a misleading picture - that I failed to point out that British Gas's residential supply business had an unusually weak first half last year, and that profits were therefore returning to nearer the norm.

    BBC: Are British Gas's profits too big?

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