In fact, I think I can say with great confidence that they will not wrap up the 18th hole and come out and say that we have a deal.
"I wanted to know something about her, I can't say that I'm not nosy, " said Austin, who lives in Pontiac, Michigan.
At this stage I can not say any more than that, but would expect us to issue some kind of statement tomorrow.
And as I indicated yesterday, I can say with great confidence that not all of the disagreements that we have among our -- between us and the Republicans will be resolved through these talks.
"I can definitely say that Bruno is not going to race for Hispania next season, " said team boss Colin Kolles.
BBC: Bruno Senna out of the running for Hispania second seat
"I can't say it's not possible that he won't be back, " he said.
Which is not to say that I can know that every trader is behaving in an entirely legal manner, either.
FORBES: Late Tuesday Rise in Crude Price - Presage Bullish Inventory Statistics??
Having looked at those companies back then I can clearly say that the solutions were not ready for prime time for a number of reasons.
FORBES: How To Profit From Apple's iWatch, Nike's FuelBand and Google's Glass
As it happens the advance copy I received from CCH was not as well redacted as the link I gave you, so I can say that the taxpayer involved lived in Alpine, NJ.
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From a technical perspective, I can say that developing for the platform is not a simple matter of write once, run everywhere.
"I can't say that because it's not at all clear that Congress will take up this idea they seem seized of at the moment, " says White House Spokesman Mike McCurry.
CNN: Budget cutters take hard look at Social Security - Sept. 27, 1995
In terms of lobbyists, I can stand here unequivocally and say that there has not been an administration who was tougher on making sure that lobbyists weren't participating in the administration than any administration that's come before us.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
With first hand experience I can say without doubt that most sellers are not at all happy about having to pay extra fees to put their properties on the market and for some the extra cost has been the "last straw" causing them to decide against marketing.
BBC: Hips have split opinion over whether or not they are needed
"When I got involved in this type of research I decided to not only read what has already been discovered but also to make my own discoveries and I can proudly say that I have achieved that with the discovery of Selam and many other fossils, " he says.
CNN: How Ethiopian scientist unearthed 'world's oldest child'
This was one of my most anticipated soundtracks of 2013 and I can say, without question, that it does not disappoint.
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" "We're not going to release it, but I can say that I have no question and the intelligence community has no questions.
"I can't say that I was concerned, because I do not recall being told that it was there, " she said.
And I say that not simply as someone who knows firsthand what Indonesia can offer the world.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House
Not only have I benefited from an increase in compensation, but I can honestly say that my job satisfaction is at an all-time high.
FORBES: Two Questions No One Ever Asks Their Financial Advisor But Needs To
It is perhaps not every reporter's idea of a good time, but I can honestly say that covering the Stafford Hospital public inquiry was one of the most fascinating and memorable years of my life.
He's not the sort of person to say 'Come to me, I can do this and that', it was my decision.
From a nonprofit and philanthropy standpoint, I would say that social media can be beneficial in a way, but in a way not.
No one can say for certain how this change will end, but I do know that change is not something that we should fear.
As I say, the actual aim of abolishing national pay bargaining is not so that wages can be reduced in poor areas: it is so that they can be increased in rich areas.
If you're a pioneer and you come up with something that can change the world and you turn round and say 'I'm not going to share this idea with anyone' then you only impact the few and not the many.
With the partial risk of putting off some people I want to say that I think we can bring the whole thing together as a consistent whole, not because I believe in a pluralistic notion of science or reality in which everyone has a perspective to contribute.
"I think we can assume it's not Margaret Thatcher but other than that, we can't really say very much, " he said.
But as a former university professor myself, I can say that in the years prior to this one, at least, being a professor was not the sinecure that Adams sketches in her piece, one of lazy summers, a class taught here and there, civil and collegial co-workers, and all that.
But Mr Maynard concluded: "I hope, by my presence in the House over the coming years, not so much by what I say but by the very fact of being here, that I can challenge some of the misconceptions, prejudices, fears and suspicions that go with my conditions".
If you do the right thing, and you explain it clearly and you do it openly, I'm confident that the American people -- you can have an adult conversation and say, this is not going to be easy, this is not going to be painless, we're going to be struggling for a while, but our future is bright.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats