The boys just flicked that switch with the ball in hand and I think there is loads more to come from this team.
And keep a close eye on versatile South Africa fly-half Ruan Pienaar because he had a great game against Wales and I think there's more to come from him.
"There is this mentality from where I come from back home that I have a little bit of a problem with, " he says.
"Early I was a little jumpy and I tried to make adjustments from there and let it come out naturally, didn't try to create any extra velocity there, I just tried to pitch, " Wainwright said.
But I would say there are two facts that seem to come out from a review of all polling.
I'd come back from Italy having evolved into an adult just by having been there.
There are people a lot like me all over the company, where I come from that have the same mindset.
But for more on that, I think we'll have to wait and see if there's a reaction that might come from the State Department.
Mr. LAWSON: (Singing) Now I've lived and learned, and let me say, take it from me because I've been there, that true love it don't come easy, and sometimes it just ain't fair.
There are two things that I know for sure: America is going to come back from this recession stronger than before.
Mr. DIONNE: And I think David puts his finger on something, which is if he did come out and say it's 18 months, I think there'd be more opposition to it from other quarters.
On the other hand, men more frequently will come back with a number along the lines of 65k to 75k, and I will be forced to negotiate down from there.