And every time I was doing it, I got just a little bit better.
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"It's all there for the taking if I just played a little bit more consistency, " he said.
I'm not going to go into all that, but I thought just a little bit of background here.
CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal
"Early on I was just missing and I got a little bit upset with myself and got a little bit out of my game, " Lynn said.
But I just want to reflect a little bit on where we've been over the last three years.
"I was a little bit nervous, playing just a bit too passive and not aggressive enough, " he said.
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Before I take your questions, I just want to talk a little bit about our continuing efforts to dig ourselves out of this recession and to grow our economy.
It just came to my mind that he had behaved in a deeply unpleasant way, and I thought, "Here's just a little bit back, David".
You kind of think, oh, if I just have this or if I just have that or if they had gotten here a little bit sooner.
And if you're wondering, I mean, we can just do a little bit of comparison shopping right now.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Jamestown, North Carolina | The White House
By being present and conscious, aware and awake, I believe that I can honor my brother, just a little bit, every day.
"I think it's just everyone has a little bit of kid inside them, " he says.
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It was just a little bit that I could do.
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Mr. COLEMAN: Well, I've written songs that were traditional in style, but for me, hick-hop just kind of comes a little bit more natural, I guess.
And I want to take you down Memory Lane just a little bit to a year ago.
But I just think Brent needs to share the love a little bit, that's all I'm saying.
"All I could do is just stand there with my camera and just keep photographing, but a little bit away from him so he could think and accept that maybe I photographed the panorama of the city, " Frank remembers.
"I am looking to strengthen and add a bit of quality but I feel the squad is a little big just now, " he said.
"I think we just ... let our guard down a little bit, " said Gonzaga's Mike Hart.
But unfortunately over the years, when I was playing my best golf, somebody has always played just a little bit better.
That's why I felt like the "Four Brothers" role was, you know, key to the beginning of my career, just to show, you know, that I could do a little bit more.
Along your career you will find people who champion you, who promote you, who back you up in various situations and I just encourage people to listen to them but also give them a little bit back.
FORBES: Your Career Math - Two Key Questions and the Five People Who Will Help Make Your Career
So, what I would advise is that we really need to just calm down a little bit and take a better perspective and also take a look at charts to see what is actually going on, rather than just listening to the news and all of the scary things that are going on.
It's just started to rain a little bit outside, but I've got my coat and umbrella.
And I just think that's asking the jury to grasp ahold of a little bit too much.
We'll have details on press access for tomorrow's travel a little bit later in the day, but I just wanted to mention that.
"He just gave me the head's up about some things and just getting to know each other a little bit and I'm really looking forward to working with him, " Nassib said.
The US has been kind of sluggish and Europe has their issues, but I thought that the companies might be a little bit more upbeat, just in terms of their own prospects for growth.
"I think the market is now a little bit concerned that it is not just isolated to sub-prime, " said George Goncalves, strategist at Morgan Stanley in New York.