But much of it is common sense, in an "I know I should do that, but I never actually do" kind of way.
"I know I should get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in every day, " says Christopher Edginton, a 66-year-old professor of leisure services at the University of Northern Iowa who took niacin for several years.
Ms. ATTWOOD: Yeah, in fact, recent developments - I don't know if I should talk about them - but Jackie Selebi, there was a warrant out for his arrest.
Never mind, I have got to learn and I should know better - but it is ridiculous.
"We're now six unbeaten, and whilst I know we should have had more points, I was never overly concerned, " he said.
And the managers quote one variation of Ms. Lewinsky's description of that December 28 conversation as follows: At some point I said to him, well you know, should I -- maybe I should put the gifts away outside my house somewhere or give them to someone, maybe Betty and he sort of said -- I think he responded, I don't know, let me think about that and left that topic.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
"When he did call he said I should know one thing: I'd have to bring it up from the bottom of a lake, " he says.
When people laughed at me, I didn't know, 'Should I keep going or should I just forget about it or do as everybody else does?
Mr. SUNBERG: I've had friends ask me, you know, should I move there.
Feith: They were too, but, I mean, I don't know why it should surprise anybody that any given group of people looking at a mass of material might come up with a few interesting insights that other people didn't come up with.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters
This is Lewinsky testifying about the meeting: "And then at some point I said to him, the president, well, you know, should I -- maybe I should put the gifts away outside my house somewhere, or give them to someone, maybe Betty, " end quote.
If I know where you are, I should be able to give you a better experience.
"I know there are people saying I should go - but I think LabourList is a good idea and I hope to leave it a week before deciding whether to try to soldier on, which is what I think at the moment, " he told the paper.
So I just thought you should know that most of the time I actually use a PC.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Technology | If Mohamad won't come to Cupertino . . .
You know I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.
And I honestly do not know when we depart on Thursday, but I should figure that out because I've got to pack.
At the time I emailed about a dozen tech guys I know, owners and employees at IT firms, and asked them if I should bite the bullet, ditch the BlackBerry and get a different smartphone.
FORBES: BlackBerry Made Me A Loser. But Could Microsoft Make Me A Winner?
And and I say that because I know a lot of people just feel like we should just brush our hands and walk away.
"Between what I read and know, I come up with who I think the favorites should be, and then I compile the odds based on mathematical formula, " says Avello.
MRS. OBAMA: Oh, gosh, that's a very good question, and I should know.
Mr. ROAN: You know, I think everyone should have the right to come back, and I'm glad that people are coming back.
You know, I should point to your listeners also, in addition to this tremendous study from Insight, another great study that just came out from Prudential Financial, which looked at women's financial behaviors and essentially it found that only one out of three women had a financial plan in place for the future to deal with, you know, retirement, paying for their kids' college education and so forth.
London (CNN) -- After three marathons, I really should know what to do by now.
As a firearm owner what should I know about moving to California?
FORBES: What Does It Feel Like To Have A Loaded Gun Pointed At You In Anger?
You know what I think a campaign should be started to make sure that Romney looses by the BIGGEST LANDSLIDE in American history!
And I know that's an anomaly, but I don't think that any food should be able to be purchased with food stamps.
And I do think for Main Street, you know, those people that are, there are still people I know that are thinking about whether they should bankrupt themselves, and just get out from under all these mortgages.