He smiles in turn and is as relaxed as he was before I lied to him about the Rolex.
Fearing the repercussions on my career, I lied out of self-preservation on just about every question but my name.
Look, when we were doing the personal data for the simulation, I lied.
' Now I'm in a fix, because I lied about the buckshelves, sure, but I'm telling the truth about the chair.
But I lied by omission and was completely on the defensive all the time, covering up my background and places where I'd worked.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Real Story | 'I was an alcoholic doctor'
Have I lied by telling you about the mercury and carcinogens?
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Actually I lied, there is one more finding that caught my eye and that is the what I consider to be dramatic decrease regarding social media analytics.
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He's done nothing wrong but I have lied to the police and the court and I can't get busted because of my baby.
Inside was a hand-labeled DVD, accompanied by a yellow Post-it note reading, in part, "I never lied" -- apparently in reference to his 2008 dismissal from the LAPD.
Quote, I feel like Puff Daddy lied, because I ain't vote and I ain't died.
They have been lied to I think and now that you're telling them the truth you have to do it over and over again, and so when we tell people you have to change people would constantly say, well, I agree with you there needs to be change but I don't want to be impacted by the change.
If I said my husband had lied, that would have opened him to prosecution.
But I would be absolutely shocked if Ryan knowingly lied or acted in a dishonourable way.
However when I was 23, I found someone who I thought I could trust and believe, but they lied to me and left me.
BBC: Robert James has been living with the HIV virus for 19 years.
"I think that Anthony Weiner should resign because he lied to the public and the press for more than a week, " Lee says.
When I called them on it, asked why they had lied all they did was switch lawyers.
Well, I never did like clowns, but at least Ronald never lied to me.
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