Professor BETH HILMAN (Rutgers University): I mean it could close down the base effectively.
And I mean it's been almost a year since we implemented this new program.
It was a great performance and, I mean it from my heart, I would like to thank everyone.
And when I say this is the largest response of its kind in American history, I mean it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Military Personnel in Pensacola, FL | The White House
Professor NORMAN GARRICK (University of Connecticut): I mean it was an extraordinary thing that happened and it was really something to celebrate.
Ms. PROSE: I mean it isn't - it wasn't a problem for Leonard Michaels and I can just stop worrying about that.
I'm sure in retrospect they would like to have done it differently, I mean it did really turn into a terrible mess.
You know, I mean it's somehow inevitable when you're a dad just against your own best instincts you come off very authoritarian and...
By that I mean it does not reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the company as I would expect from my phrenological studies.
Hopefully, I mean it's just a hope, that we will be able to form this government by the end of this month, two week's time.
But I mean it's definitely a very cheap and, you know, you don't need some, you know, crazy structures to hold this thing up, so.
But I mean it, the bad news is it's less growth than there was I suppose, but it's better than it might be though, isn't it?
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | President of the World Bank James Wolfensohn
By this I mean it would be more interesting if the crimes themselves, and the criminals behind them, were more complicated and less morally black and white.
"I just think Melo, he's been on a nice run and I mean it's nice to see because and I know what he's thinking, " coach Mike Woodson said.
"But it's great pressure, I mean it's pressure that makes you work harder, that gives you a sense of urgency every day that they must learn these skills, " Feinberg says.
And by getting a bit of bad publicity, I mean it has come to the attention of those in charge that ITINs are increasingly involved in instances of tax fraud.
FORBES: As SCOTUS Rules On Arizona, IRS Struggles With Tax And Immigration Related Measures
That sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it literally.
WHITEHOUSE: VP Biden on Economic Expansion for the Middle Class
Well you know we're at a pretty difficult time in our fortunes, I mean we, we, I mean it was understandable that the Conservatives might have lost in 1997 after 18 continuous years.
For me it really is, because they know what - I mean it really is about what are they going to do about Ohio and the middle class, what are they going to do in this country.
What it has to do - I mean it's simply another case of the trainer saying, look, not only did I inject Clemens at least 16 times over the course of six years, I injected his wife.
I, I know the character on which the Vicar of Dibley was based, yes, I mean it's a programme, it's highly entertainment, entertaining, I think actually it's done a lot of good for the church in many ways.
It's a terrible mess but it's a temporary mess, I mean it's not a deep wound for the Labour Party, it's a irritating rash, and now we've got to stop scratching it and get on with something more serious.
But I mean it was those sorts of arguments made so very forcibly and with the background of intelligence which actually as it were pushed you over the brink to say, well yes, we're prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Hope on faith
Mr. MIKE BELL (GM Employee): Everybody understands that GM needs to make more money, be more profitable, be competitive, and it's, you know, it's a free market and free trade now, so I mean it's stiff competition out there and there's so many different vehicles.
People always talk about these sort of things, Stuart, being justified if they're in the public interest and so on, but is this really in the public interest, I mean it's not a mega-expose or it's not a revelation about a Cabinet Minister or something like that.