As I look back on these initiatives, I note that at least half have failed.
FORBES: Barnacles, Diamonds and Cows: 5 Startup Failures--My 5 Lessons Learned
And, in this piece, I note the trend of our all becoming mini-celebrities via our Web presences.
FORBES: Talking about privacy, Tiger Woods, and the digital age on
When I attend meetings or presentations, I note the chasm between the language and its intended meaning.
As I note below, while there are some long-term positives for this stock, it is a high-risk buy at current levels.
For the Surface Pro, there is also a built-in downside to their display technology because of Windows 8, which I note below.
FORBES: Why You Want The Microsoft Surface Pro (And Why You Don't)
The traits people look for, as I note in Leading So People Will Follow, are far-sighted, passionate, courageous, wise, generous and trustworthy.
And speaking of presidential candidates, I note that Gov. Romney, as part of his ongoing efforts to define himself, has decided to be a defense hawk.
FORBES: Job-Killing Politicians, Modern Military Hawks, And Hapless Central Banks
As I note in my magazine story, rating agencies, still reeling from their role in abetting the subprime mortgage crisis, must be persuaded to get onboard.
And, as I note in this lengthy piece for National Affairs, Medicare is primarily responsible for all the problems we have in the delivery of health care.
FORBES: Jim Capretta Rebuts the Five Strongest Criticisms of Premium Support-Based Medicare Reform
And finally, I note that the federal sentencing guidelines include bribery and perjury in the same guideline, reflecting the common-sense conclusion that bribery and perjury are equivalent means of interfering with the governmental process.
If I could write I note to Steve Jobs, I would tell him to split his stock three to four for one and it would be above 300-320 in a New York minute!
"I note also the development, I believe particularly in Berkshire, of the Canadian model of support and accountability as a means of dealing with that most difficult and challenging of subjects, the treatment of sex offenders, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Oxfordshire | Bishop's fears over jailed mother
We chat about the general Danish attitude to the young generation and I note that the Danish government is the youngest in Europe - in fact one of the cabinet members, Thor Moger Pedersen, minister for taxation, is just 26.
What is required is strong umpiring to keep everything under control and it is with some trepidation that I note that the two umpires on duty for the first Test - an Indian and a Sri Lankan - are virtually unknown.
And I note, as I have in the past, that he hopes and believes that there will be at some point a return to the kind of bipartisan support for comprehensive immigration reform that we used to have in this country, led by his predecessor as President, Republican George W. Bush, and the Republican nominee for President in the last election, John McCain, Senator of Arizona.
Believe me, I'll take questions. (Laughter.) I just wanted to note -- I meant to yesterday, and I admit I was a little preoccupied -- I meant to note yesterday that it was the 25th anniversary, I believe, for Peter Maer -- is he in the house?
In the interest of full disclosure, I should note that I have worked for Mr. Perelman in the past.
FORBES: Is Bizarre Smallpox Drug Deal Obama Administration's Next Solyndra?
And here again, I should note that I have an iPad 3G, which receives virtual non-stop use from various members of my family.
FORBES: Research In Motion: Ye Gads, I Like The BlackBerry PlayBook
"When I read the note I handed it back to the officer and I said my son may have killed himself, but he did not write this note, " Mary Todd said of meeting with authorities in Singapore last year.
Before I go further, I should note that after I'd finished writing my original column I got back a response to questions I'd e-mailed Michael Dell.
Then I would note, since I started by referring to what had been written by Secretaries Schultz and Kissinger and Perry and Senator Nunn, I have been in contact with them about what they believe we ought to be doing.
Looking back on it now, the first time I truly felt the need for a note-taking app was when I started researching note-taking apps.
And I would note, as the President did last week, that I think Congressman Ryan has called wind energy a fad, and I think maybe Mitt Romney -- Governor Romney called it imaginary.
And I would note that enthusiasm among Latino voters has increased over the past several weeks, and I think that the President -- the President is serious about doing something about immigration reform.
But before sending the note I showed it to my immediate editor, and he made an extremely helpful suggestion: After ticking off my accomplishments, I should conclude with a note of humility.
And I would simply note that while I know there's an effort on one side of this to conflate the two, to -- there is a substantial difference between a blatantly false ad produced by and paid for by a campaign -- in this case, the Romney campaign -- and ads produced by third-party groups.