"I really didn't want to know the truth or anything about my real family, " she recalls.
"I really didn't have a gameplan, " said Strombergs, who won the world title earlier this year.
"It's something I really didn't even expect, " said Franco, who starred in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man franchise.
"When my dad passed, I really didn't know what to do, " she said.
The dialogue is nice and airy, and Chabrol's camera work is steady as always, but I really didn't care all that much.
Ms. JENNIFER PHILLIPS, (Pharmacist): Back in November, I really didn't know anything.
"There was no news about this in the radio or television, so I really didn't know what was going on, " she said.
CNN: 'Mom, don't panic ... but there's a gunman going loose here'
"I had to shake my head a couple of times because I really didn't know that was a topic of conversation, " said Matheny, 42.
"I really didn't instruct the runner not to score, " he added.
"I really didn't do a lot of prep, because I never thought we'd get to the point where Pennsylvania would matter a whole lot, " he says.
Well everyone, I have to say I really didn't find the substance of this debate to be very much different from the first one in Miami, even though they were talking about nominally different issues.
No, I didn't actually say that, or I didn't really mean that.
"I was really, really happy as I didn't even know who these people were before that, " he said.
It's the first time I've played Judd so I didn't really know what to expect other than he's a dangerous player.
"When I was younger, I was trying to find a club and I didn't really make the cut, so I decided to go out and do a scholarship in America through First Point USA, " Hughes told me.
But I appreciated Fred's smart-alec humor and cynicism, but I didn't really quite understand at the very beginning the depth of commitment and principal that Fred Thompson, in fact, possesses, and that's what I really want to talk about here.
"I wasn't perfect because I didn't have really blonde hair, but I was very lucky and happy that they had chosen me, " she added.
"I'm really not materialistic, but I just didn't think it would work out, " she said.
In fact, I think, they really didn't have any real choice on the attorney general.
It was filled of shows that I watched live and really didn't want to watch it again.
"I went in with great expectations, really well-prepared but I didn't get started, had two penalties and there is no comeback with the new rules, " added Clark.
But according to what I learned while being there, it didn't really make I think I was there just too short of a time to discern any before and after difference.
That made me secure after that, and I didn't really worry about the sophomore jinx.
They wanted me to pursue it in college but I didn't really want to.
Since I didn't really fit in, I acted like myself, which pretty much made sure I never did.
She added that men have larger pores and oilier skin, information that I didn't really need to know.
"All of that was okay because I didn't really think I was in the retail trade, " he says.
Now, looking back, I am really grateful that she didn't pre-program a way of writing into my head.
Even then, I didn't really get into it until Public Enemy "Nation of Millions" when I was about 15.