"It's a very strong working relationship with all the parties, and I must be doing something right because they all criticise me at some time so I suppose that I'm equally unfair to everybody, " she added.
So I suppose when the president comes out with hard-line statements like these, these will reflect sooner later in the policies.
"We have a lot of fun with it, " said Ms. Batiz, who's been decamping with her husband at the Waldorf. (So I suppose business has to be pretty good.) In fact, she said she got into a conversation on the hotel's taxi line with an elegant woman in a full-length mink who asked her the nature of her company.
So, I suppose I will have to do the dirty work of Intellectual Imperialism.
So, I suppose I would agree with everyone is flipping from one side to the other.
So, I suppose, is the wisdom in all these articles and in the many, many other ones this week at Forbes Leadership.
Majority staff's approach, taking up where Ken Starr left off, would have the committee continue to delve into even more details concerning the physical relationship between the president and Ms. Lewinsky, so that I suppose the committee could determine who was telling the truth about who touched who where and when.
CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2
So while I suppose that it is possible that Russian infant mortality increased at the exact same time that new far more stringent criteria were being applied, it is far more likely that Russian infant mortality stayed about the same but appeared to increase because the new standards capture a larger universe of infant deaths.
So generally speaking, I suppose the ideal circumstance would be neither deficit nor surplus but a balanced budget based on tax revenues that rise very slowly.
Gov. CRIST: Well, I suppose that argument could be made, and so that probably is not an unreasonable time.
And so you're encouraged, I suppose, by the fact that in his interview today in the Telegraph Iain Duncan Smith is talking about Section 28 and talking about cannabis and so on like that, that's a move in the Portillo direction?
While I suppose, if the election result dictates it to be so, I can live with a president who might avoid taxes by shifting money to off-shore accounts in the effort to legally avoid his civic obligations, I would hope that none of us can live with a president who holds women in such tragically low regard.
Kind of weird I suppose, looking at something like that where the critics reacted so favorably.
So it kind of makes sense that I would make this record, I suppose.
Which was why, I suppose, I found what billionaire Louis Bacon had to say last night at the Audubon Gala so completely refreshing.
So that would be, in fact, a kind of a dark irony, I suppose, were one to say something like that.
"I suppose the good news is that there is a phoenix-like company willing to buy it, so it looks as if the manufacturing plant can be saved, " he said.
BBC: Axminster Carpets: 300 jobs to be cut by administrators
So adding a tannery to the village center will let you make cloth (very leathery cloth, I suppose).
Ms. WATERS. So this recommendation about letting the servicers hire outside consultants to investigate them is of concern to, I suppose, many of us.
FORBES: Sheila Bair Called It - Foreclosure Lookback Reviews Are A "Ruse"
This is, well OK it depends upon precisely which economic theories you like I suppose, avoidable unemployment and is what all of those things like the stimulus, fiscal expansion, tax cuts and so on are designed to reduce.
FORBES: The Problem With US Unemployment Is That It Is Now Like European Unemployment