"I don't thinkIneed a rest but it will help my individual preparation that I can concentrate a little bit more on the five-day stuff rather than Twenty20, " he added.
I'd like to thinkI could help the Legion but I've just been offered more support... what Ineed is emotional and practical support really... and IthinkI will probably take it.
"The crowd is able to help you when you need it but I don't think the pressure will affect Murray -- the home ground is definitely a boost rather than a burden, " the 34-year-old added.
And Ithink we have a deficit in terms of investment in this country in the infrastructure we need to help us compete in the world market in the future.
Dr. MAATHAI: Well, Ithink that it is unfortunate that some ministers in the government are pretending that they do not need any help because everybody can see we needhelp.