• While I do appreciate your insight on this topic, and see that you have quite a bit of experience, I think that I bring up some valid points for you to consider.

    FORBES: Will McDonald's and Burger King Deliver...to Your House?

  • And the bottom line is this: The Iranian narrative really does, I think if you do a sharp analysis of this, fall in a quite empty way across the region when compared to the historic changes underway.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • This is just a stab in the dark but I'm guessing quite a few of you who comment on this blog think so too.

    BBC: Incongruous, inconsistent, irrational

  • You know, I think there's been quite a bit of characterization in the media, quite apart from what Dobbs said, of this von Brunn as, you know, a crazy sociopath on the fringe of the fringe of the fringe.

    NPR: The Tipping Point: When Hate Turns To Violence

  • And I would therefore want to raise some questions, I think, about the impact of the private in the public sphere, and I don't think you can extrapolate those two quite so easily, actually, so I think one impinges on the other.

    BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Hope on faith

  • I'm in no way comparing the downtown wedding of two females to any of these events (even though some of you made it quite clear that you think gay marriage is much worse), I'm just saying that whether you liked the story or not, the first known gay wedding to take place in Jones County is still historic.

    CNN: Media walk tricky line on same-sex marriage

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