If you haven't thought about it, I leave you with this challenge: Serve a neighbor in need, because a life of service is a life of significance.
And I think he thought, as you all heard him talk about in the Oval Office on Monday, I think he thought of this as a parent.
But I wonder, when you thought about touring again, did you think about bringing the stuff back or not?
"I never thought about retiring, if you think about it you might as well do it, " said McCullough, now 34.
And I thought about it for a second, you know, because I knew most of the guys I knew who dealt, they had nice clothes, you know, they had pagers, they had all these things that I really wanted at the time.
Ms. CHANG: Most of the comments that I've seen have either not really understood what the data was about or, you know, thought that I was trying to equate self-worth with net worth, which is absolutely not the case.
Couldn't tell you that I've ever thought about Ramona Valley or could even find it on the map.
But have you ever thought about how that makes the people you're supposed to care about, i.e.
But I thought maybe I'd tell you a little bit about the trip that I took today.
"I haven't really thought about it to be honest with you, " he said.
And with the storms that battered the country last week I thought I should respond to some of the queries you have about the best way to deal with the damage.
So one of the things we thought -- and I don't know about all of you -- is whether you wonder, what are these state dinners all about and these state visits?
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Discusses State and Official Visits | The White House
But I thought I would come along today and just talk to you about Australia and actually start by asking you a few questions, a bit of a pop quiz about Australia.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Gillard Visit Wakefield High School | The White House
But the one last thought I want to leave you with is a sense of optimism about how solvable our problems are.
You're excited about it, and I think people thought it was cool, but no one is carrying it here.
There are certain cases in which I have done this, most recently in a column in these pages about a Microsoft offering I thought was badly positioned, and the client, I can tell you, was not happy.
I, like you, had long thought that the price of gold was a valuable and valid indicator of various points about the global economy.