"I was stunned by the data, " says Peter Kim , Merck's research chief.
It gave me an opportunity to revisit Martha's solo CD and I was stunned by what I heard.
However, I was stunned by how little credence the audience gave to my examples of the value that pharma brings.
Venturing into town on 27 December to meet someone for coffee, I was stunned to find the city centre heaving with people.
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In downtown Tripoli, I was stunned to see an entire neighborhood plunged into darkness, with families breaking their Ramadan fast by candlelight.
When I returned to Baghdad in September, 2008, after more than a year and a half away, I was stunned by the calm.
And I was stunned that he could talk about the housing meltdown and mortgage crisis without mentioning the Federal Reserve, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac.
FORBES: The Cato Institute Responds to President Obama's State-of-the-Union Address
"At first I was stunned but then I realized it is simply a sign of the time we live in, " Ms. Thrash wrote in a text message.
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As a career woman who has been married for 31 years and has 3 daughters who are joining the ranks of the career women to be avoided by bright educated men, I was stunned to read such pseudo-scientific nonsense on the pages of Forbes.
"I was so stunned, I actually didn't hear the other nominees, " he said.
When he died, I was as stunned as if he had been killed by a grand piano falling from the top of a building.
"Yeah, I was a little stunned, " Patriots defensive lineman Vince Wilfork said of the miss.
When I first became a manager, I was a little stunned by how quickly my employees expected advancement.
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"I was saddened, stunned, shocked, to read about the murder of young Malcolm, " former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney said.
"I could tell when I walked in that the people behind the cash register were stunned I was there, " he recalls.
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"I was somewhere between surprised and stunned, " Dr. Gregory Curfman, executive editor of The Journal, says.
Mr. BEN JARVIS (Affirmation Member): And all of the other boys in the class laughed, but I just sat there completely stunned because I finally had a word for what it was that I was feeling.
At that time the only classical music I knew was our church music, so this film stunned me.