In an ideal world, Jane tells her boss, who tells her boss and so on.
In an ideal world, all parents would recognize the need for excellence and consistency.
"In an ideal world we wouldn't have eight, 10 million people who are undocumented, " he says.
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In an ideal world, perhaps brands would seek to support that process by encouraging responsible consumption.
In an ideal world I suppose Russia would enjoy robust private sector capital inflows.
In an ideal world he would like to have access to a safe, flat sports area.
In an ideal world, an increase in savings would automatically lead to an increase in investment.
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"In an ideal world, I would want to stay with Newcastle United, " he said.
In an ideal world, Mr Amory said, there would be no prey and no predator.
In an ideal world, all of these qualities would make a team spectacularly famous, a national obsession.
Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- In Chris Harrison's ideal world, mobile phones would be the size of matchbooks.
In their ideal world, everyone over the age of 15 would volunteer for testing once a year.
Crowdfunding for equity in this ideal world scenario would be a legal practice by Summer 2014.
In an ideal world, that would frame a debate about pension policy in the upcoming election campaign.
In an ideal world, the Malian army would have done its job and held off the advance.
"In an ideal world, it would be nice to not have to give financial compensation, " Weller said.
In an ideal world, spouses would want only the best for each other even as they part ways.
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In an ideal world, what does your company want to do and how it is perceived by others?
But maybe the San Antonio Spurs are the ideal world, and the rest of us are just waking up.
"In an ideal world, parents might always seek to cultivate the bonds between grandparents and their grandchildren, " O'Connor wrote.
In an ideal world the tax burden would be gradually shifted from income to consumption (including a carbon tax).
In an ideal world, regulatory capital should reflect the riskiness of a loan.
In an ideal world, messaging would happen in a flash but the real-world process it much more measured and methodical.
In the ideal world, Java would enable different smart appliances to connect to different hardware, and things would work together.
In an ideal world, East Timor would now enter a transitional period of several years before a vote were held.
He said in an ideal world, the more fat around the thighs the better - as long as the tummy stays slim.
In an ideal world, it would be nominated in the best adapted screenplay, best director, best actor and probably best actress categories.
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This is a pity since, in an ideal world, such searches would involve repeated observations of the same galaxies every few days.
In an ideal world, there would be no barriers to the free movement of people, between the various countries as within them.
In an ideal world, the amount of capital that banks put aside ought to depend on the riskiness of their loan portfolio.