Rose, who sees herself, more perceptively, as a free-market ideologue, is sceptical about scholars' objectivity.
Bachmann, a two-term member of Congress from Stillwater, Minnesota, is an ideologue of the Christian-conservative movement.
One such nationalist was Kasit Piromya, a PAD ideologue who is now Thailand's foreign minister.
Mr Portillo's transformation from right-wing ideologue to touchy-feely liberal clearly baffled some of his audience.
He would lose his status as a brilliant strategist and be castigated as an ideologue.
It also seems to guide Mr Romney, who makes an unconvincing ideologue, to put it charitably.
ECONOMIST: Republicans are for states�� rights��when it suits them
His big problem is that although he is a passionate ideologue, he is only a mediocre demagogue.
Ronald Reagan devoted a great deal of energy to persuading people that he was not a trigger-happy ideologue.
But since taking office, Mr Jospin has been sounding much less the sectarian ideologue, and more the pragmatic pro-European.
And as an ideologue, he can't stop begging the Iranians to love him.
He is a pragmatic politician and a radical ideologue all rolled into one.
His trick was to make the case for his fiscal conservatism while also reassuring centrists that he wasn't an ideologue.
Mr Netanyahu, though seen by some as moving cautiously along the trajectory from ideologue to pragmatist, is not there yet.
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There are grounds to believe that President Obama, more (not unlike FDR) of a pragmatist than an ideologue, is bailing on the left.
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Mr Taha, the first deputy prime minister, was partly responsible for ousting Mr Turabi, his erstwhile mentor, and has succeeded him as chief ideologue.
His father, the Marxist ideologue Ralph Miliband, was born in Brussels and spent the first sixteen years of his life in the Belgian capital.
He is not an ideologue, and he is willing to compromise.
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But much of the doctrinal fervour went out of the Islamist revolution when its main ideologue, Hassan al-Turabi, was kicked out of the government in 2000.
Sudan's, if it really happened, never got past the planning stage, but the government arrested several prominent Islamist critics, including its own former chief ideologue, Hassan al-Turabi.
He was, rather, an ideologue, a disciple of Zeev Jabotinsky, the hardline Zionist who wanted to see a Jewish state along both banks of the Jordan river.
The embrace of an ideologue like Paul Ryan may appeal to the Republican Party's Tea Party base, but it will completely alienate independent voters, especially in battleground states.
More significant was last month's meeting in Geneva between Hassan Turabi, the regime's ideologue, and Sadiq el Mahdi, an ousted prime minister who is now the opposition's leading light.
People who have known Mr. Rubio for years, going back to his days in the Florida Legislature, agree that the biggest misconception is that he's some sort of brash ideologue.
Mr Koch has dabbled in divisive politics before (a campaign against dual citizenship helped him to win office the first time), but he has governed as a technocrat, not an ideologue.
Mr Hayden is a thoroughbred ideologue: a one-time student radical who tried to change the world with his former wife, Jane Fonda, before settling down to change California as a state senator.
However he said that he was not an "ideologue" and said that the decision to keep Metronet's work under public ownership was proof that he was not "blinded to the concept" of PPP.
If when Obama came into office there was a question about whether he was a foreign policy pragmatist or an ideologue, his behavior in his first six months in office has dispelled all doubt.